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Impact Pulverizer for polyethylene

2021-12-30 10:58:53

It is well known that the product technology of Impact Pulverizer for polyethylene has received extensive attention from the industry.

Impact Pulverizer for polyethylene is a speed, collision with each other, collide with the target, with a high-speed airflow accelerated particle to achieve a pulverization effect.

Generally, the high-speed airflow accelerated pulverized solid particles have the following three ways:

(1) Airflow particles accelerate nozzle: After the airflow and the particles are mixed, the particles can be obtained. Very high speed (almost the same speed of airflow speed), but the material wears in the nozzle in the nozzle, rarely used in practical applications.
(2) Syringe Acceleration Particles: High Speed \u200b\u200b(Ultrasonic Speed) airflow and particles mix accelerate in the mixing tube, the particles obtain a higher speed, but the material is severe to the mixing tube.
(3) Free airflow acceleration particles: particles enter the high-speed airflow in the form of freely drop, only the high-speed air flow is passed through the nozzle and the wear is small.

AlPA Phenolic Resin Impact Pulverizer for polyethylene case share: The company has a manufacturer of phenolic resin in its customers. The company has found a lot of powder equipment companies. device of. Finally, we found our ALPA, after the experiment, our company's product Impact Pulverizer for polyethylene.
Technical parameters:
Finished particle size: D50 less than 5 μm

Production capacity: more than 50kg / h

During the production process, the temperature rise of the bearing must be checked frequently, when the temperature rise When more than 50 ° C, the check is stopped, and the reason is to rule out the fault. When the new machine is running, the drive belt is easy to elongate, pay attention to adjust the proper looseness of the belt to ensure the work life of the belt. If the lifting piece should be checked frequently, replace the production quality and production in time. The blade, the bushing should often check the wear situation. If the wear is worn, the productivity decreases, and the particle size is roughly discovered to be replaced. The host and the grading flow bearing are lipomatic lubrication, using special lipids, the replacement period of the bearing is around three months, and the filling of the grease is 1/2 of the interior space in the bearing cavity. Otherwise, It will cause too high of the bearing temperature. The spiral feeder has changed the lipid period of half a year, and Cape Calcium-based grease. In the output shaft E, ie the pulley E, avoiding the weight of the weight, damage the part. It is strictly forbidden to turn the handle on the stop. The lubricating oil used in this regulator is used with N32 alkaline high-zinc high-grade anti-motor oil pressure oil, and the deceleration machine is 401 generally lubricating oil, and it is not necessary to use other machines. After four or five months, new oil should be replaced.

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