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Pin Pulverizer for Silica Gel

2021-12-31 11:06:20

We all know that PIN Pulverizer for Silica Gel is a very strong airflow crushing equipment, many stubborn hard materials that encounter a crusher will be cut into a uniform block of pieces,

Pin Pulverizer For Silica Gel has generally replaced the traditional mechanical pulverizer in real-production, it features:

1. Simple structure, simple and easy, easy, only need One person can complete the operation, disassembly and cutting.
2, elliptical pulverizing cavity design, less airflow resistance, so that the compressed air utilization reaches the highest and reduces loss.
3, PULVERIZER for Silica GEL Because the principle of pulverization makes the finished product, no impurities, non-polluting materials.
4, the pulverization is good, the particle size distribution is uniform.

The application is for you about the application of PIN Pulverizer for Silica Gel in the industry.

ALPA Carbon PIN Pulverizer for Silica GEL Case Sharing: The company produces supermatch and super fine pulverized in carbon during static pressure graphite. After multi-party examinations and experiments, finally selected our AlPA as a cooperative customer, we provide the Pin Pulverizer for Silica GEL provided to the carbon pulverity, particle size, yield and other needs.
Technical parameters:
finished particle size: D65: 200 目

Production capacity: 800-1000kg

Before using it, pay attention to it, you must pay attention to use, operation Make the damage rate can be minimized, then what should I pay attention to before using the PIN Pulverizer for Silica Gel?
1, before use, check if all fasteners are fastened and whether the direction of operation of the spindle is correct, so as not to damage the machine.
2, lubrication should be performed as required to ensure the normal operation of the machine.

3, before adding the material to the pulverizer, it is not mixed to avoid damage to the grinding machine.

4, whether foreign matter or impurities, if it should be disposed in time to avoid damage to the tool.
5. If there is any abnormality in use, it should be treated immediately to avoid more loss.
6, some parts should be checked regularly. If it is damaged, it should be replaced immediately.

I hope everyone can buy the feeling of the heart.Flow pulverizer products!