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Impact Pulverizer with Kelp

2022-01-07 16:11:25

In numerous pulverization mode, Impact Pulver Zeng Zeng, which is the most mainstreaming technology, which is the most mainstreaming technique with a small particle size, narrow particle size distribution, high purity, high particulate activity, good dispersibility, especially suitable for Isolated from the pulverized drug or the like is not allowed to be contaminated.

Impact Pulverizer With Kelp is very widely used in industrial production. It is often used to smash the added value, and after super-smashing, it is generally more widely used in materials. It is affected by the industry.


A technology company is a metal material as the main business, serving emerging industries, in powder materials and products, magnetic materials and products, welding materials and products, filtration Materials and other fields. We continue to innovate around our customers, and work with partners. We are committed to providing competitive solutions and services for advanced metal materials, product programs, and other functional applications to create value for customers. Products have been sold to several countries and regions, and are recognized by many well-known companies and customers at home and abroad.
Horses: 300kg

Impact Pulverizer With Kelp Daily Maintenance

1, during the production process, often check the temperature rise of the bearing, when the temperature rise exceeds 50 ° C It should be downtime check, and the reason is to troubleshoot.

2, when the new machine is running, the drive belt is easy to elongate, and should pay attention to adjust the appropriate looseness of the belt to ensure the work life of the belt.
3, if the loss case should be checked frequently, replace the quality and production volume in time.
4, the blade, the bushing should often check the wear situation. If the wear is worn, the productivity is lowered, and the particle size is replaced after the particle size is replaced.
5, the host and the graded flow bearing are lipids, and the No. 2 special lipids are used 265-295.
6, the replacement period of the bearing is 2000 hours, and the amount of the grease is filling the amount of the space in the bearing cavity (episode) or 3/4 (lower test) cut, not too much to fill the grease, otherwise The bearing temperature is too high.
7. The spiral feeder has been changed during the change of the lipid of 4,000 hours, and the calcium-based grease is added.

Welcome everyone chooses Shan Dong Alpa, the company is committed to the product and service of the airflow crusher, our company provides Impact Pulver Zerizer with Kelp, the price is low, if you feel about our Impact Pulverizer with Kelp Interest, please feel free to contact us.