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Turbo Mill Machine with Chicken Egg White

2022-01-14 11:46:44

With the demand of society and life, the demand for Turbo Mill Machine with Chicken Egg White is getting bigger and higher, and the requirements for fineness, purity and pass rate are increasing. In the current market, there is a great development space.

Turbo Mill Machine with Chicken Egg White forms a set of crushing systems. After the compressed air is dried, it is sprayed into the pulverizing chamber by the Lavar nozzle, and the material is repeatedly collided, friction, shear and pulverized, and the crushing material is pulled down with the wind turbulence. Airflow movement to the hierarchical region, under a powerful centrifugal force generated by high speed rotation, so that the crude material is separated, and the fine particles that meet the particle size requirements are collected by the grading wheel into the cyclone and the dust collector, and the crude particles drops to the pulverizer to continue pulverization. . Since Turbo Mill Machine With Chicken Egg White's crushing room is simple, it is easy to manufacture, so it is widely used.

Alpa Heavy Crystal Turbo Mill Machine with Chicken Egg White Case Sharing: This customer is a large-scale comprehensive group company specializing in the mining, powder processing and sales of heavy crystalline mines, which is from the customer. Foreign imported heavy crystal crushing equipment. Later, by understanding, knowing the ultrafine pulverization equipment of our ALPA Co., Ltd., in terms of performance, in terms of foreign devices, far exceeding the same type of equipment, far exceeded the same type of equipment. Finally, after many exam, I purchased Turbo Mill Machine with Chicken Egg White from our company.

Technical parameters:
finished particle size: 1250 mesh
Production capacity: 1.2-1.5T

Let's talk about how to use Turbo Mill Machine with Chicken Egg White method

[ 123] First, prepare before booting the host, attachment machine, pipeline, and valve, whether it is intact, whether it works fine.
Second, open

1. Turn on the compressor power supply, the pressure valve and the main valve of the dust collector, then turn on the power switch of the powder machine, and turn on the power.
2. From the zero start grading wheel and gradually adjust to the specified speed.
3. Several turning wind turbines, cyclone separators discharge, dust removal, feed motor power, and then turn on the total power supply of the tube bar, set the inverter frequency, and then begins to break.
4. The particle size of the finished wheel can be adjusted by grading wheel frequencies and charging.Festival.
Third, the order of shutdown is: inverter - feeder - Main valve - Compressor - Stepper wheel Motor - Cyclone discharge, dust removal switch - Fan - Total Power - Air Compressor.
4, repair

1. The motor should be lubed regularly, but the grease should not be too large, the bearing temperature is too high.
2. Hierarchical impeller, spiral feeder, crushing nozzle wear should pay attention to check, belt tight and suitable.
3. After a crushing material, after a certain period of time, it is necessary to remove the viscosity of the chalk, so as not to block, thereby affecting the crushing effect.
4. After the filter bag, you should clean or replace it.
V. Note

1. When the discharge device is running, the unloading port cannot be extended to avoid accidents.
2. The rotational speed of the impeller must not exceed the specified requirements, otherwise the temperature is too high, the impeller, and the electric machine are damaged.
3. Regularly check the safety valve to ensure safety.

If you have the situation about other crushers, you want to know, welcome to consult!