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Extra Fine Impact Mills Pulverizer

2021-10-28 17:06:27

Extra Fine Impact Mills Pulverizer is a very practical and convenient industrial crushing equipment, most chemical industries, polymer materials need to be used, the AlPa crusher is smudged, the granules are delicate, and the price is affordable.

Extra Fine Impact Mills Pulverizer is simple, but the function is very powerful, using Extra Fine Impact Mills Pulverizer usually gets a very good effect.Its design is simple, easy to operate, easy to clean.

ALPA Soda Extra Fine Impact Mills Pulverizer Sharing: The company is a chemical enterprise, it is necessary to make a small soda to make ultra-smash, investigate a number of powder equipment companies, and finally chose our Alpa's extra fine impact.Mills Pulverizer.
Technical parameters:
Finished particle size: D97: 20UM
Production capacity: 10-220kg

ALPA powder is committed to the development, production and development of ultrafine powder and grading equipmentSales, support according to demand, equipment model, reliable quality, high efficiency, low energy consumption, easy operation, reasonable price, 24 hours, please consult!