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Superfine Hammer Mills Pulverizer

2021-11-04 11:18:32

Many friends who want to produce industrially produced must be unfamiliar with Superfine Hammer Mills Pulverizer. Superfine Hammer Mills Pulverizer has the characteristics of convenient, unclear, crushing product quality, is a very useful comminution machine.

The principle of Superfine Hammer Mills Pulverizer is to use high-speed airflow to cause the material itself to collide with the particles of the material itself, and the airflow has caused materials to the shear effects of material impact, the impact of material and other components. It becomes more pulverized, and the particle size distribution is narrower. Although in certain areas, Superfine Hammer Mills Pulverizer has an irreplaceable advantage, but it also has a shortage of headache, which is relatively high. The principle has passed the precipitation of time and multiple applications, which is more mature, and has been widely used in mineral materials, chemical materials, pharmaceuticals and other industries.

Alpa Aluminate Superfine Hammer Mills Pulverizer Case Sharing: The company discovered that domestic ultrafine pulverized equipment, which has been flattering foreign companies. And the price is more advantageous than foreign similar import companies. Finally, our Superfine Hammer Mills Pulverizer was purchased as a production equipment.
Technical parameters:
finished particle size: D97: 20μm
Production capacity: 100kg

Welcome to Shan Dong Alpa, company is committed to Superfine Hammer Mills Pulverizer products and services Our company provides Superfine Hammer Mills Pulverizer for a long time, the price is low, if you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us.