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Ultra Fine Cell Mills Crusher Production Line

2021-11-05 10:06:05

Currently, Ultra Fine Cell Mills Crusher Production Line has gradually entered people's lives, more and more plants, and companies are using the equipment.

Ultra Fine Cell Mills Crusher Production Line has generally replaced the traditional mechanical pulverizer in real production, and its characteristics are:

1. Simple structure Simple, convenient, convenient, and only one person can complete the operation, disassembly and cleaning.
2, elliptical pulverizing cavity design, less airflow resistance, so that the compressed air utilization reaches the highest and reduces loss.
3, Ultra Fine Cell Mills Crusher Production Line causes the finished product to purity, no impurities, and non-pollutant materials due to its pulverization principle.
4, the pulverization is good, the particle size distribution is uniform.

The above is an application for you to introduce Ultra Fine Cell Mills Crusher Production Line in the industry.

AlPa Crystalline Sulfur Ultra Fine Cell Mills Crusher Production Line Case Sharing: Shenyang needs an apparatus capable of ultrafine pulverization of crystalline sulfur. Crystalline sulfur is a flammable and explosive raw material, so there is a very high demand of the explosion-proof system of the pulverized apparatus. After multi-examination, our company's nitrogen protection Ultra Fine Cell Mills Crusher Production Line met the production needs of the company. Ultra Fine Cell Mills Crusher Production Line has an advantage in security, production capacity, energy consumption.
Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: 200-300 mesh

Production capacity: 1.5T

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