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Small Turbo Mill for Sale

2021-11-08 09:17:52

The airflow pulverizer plays a vital role in the current industrial production. In various major minerals, chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, and food manufacturing industries are widely used. With the continuous development of airflow crushers, the various major industries are particularly medical, and the food industry puts forward new requirements in the pulverization process. It is desirable that the powder can be kept clean. In the manufacture of traditional airflow pulverizer, carbon steel, stainless steel is generally used as the lining material of the airflow pulverizer.

Small Turbo Mill for Sale and cyclone separators, dust collectors and air machines have become a complete crushing system. After filtering the compressed air, the high-speed nozzle is sprayed into the pulverized chamber, and the material is repeated, friction and shear at the intersection of the multi-high pressure airflow.

The crushing material moves together with the rising airflow to the pulverized region under suction of the fan, producing a strong centrifuge generated by a high speed rotary pulley. Under the action of force, the fine particles are separated, and the cyclone and dust collectors are collected by the pulverizing wheel according to particle size particles, and the coarse particles fall into the pulverized region to continue to be pulverized.
ALPA Soybean Small Turbo Mill for Sale Case Sharing: This customer is a company in the Netherlands. The company needs ultrafine pulverization to soybean meal (after oily oil). Investigating European equipment manufacturers, integrating, or our ALPA equipment is better than the performance ratio, or from cost performance. Through the incoming experiment, the company chose our company's Small Turbo Mill for Sale.

To learn more about Small Turbo Mill For Sale, please pay attention to the Shan Dong AlPa website, the company is in the development and production of crusher and other products, quality, and is reliable.