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Ultrafine Hammer Mill for Crushing

2021-11-09 08:49:24

As is well known, Ultrafine Hammer Mill for Crushing This product technology has been widely valued by the industry.

Ultrafine Hammer Mill for crushing is a commonly used airflow pulverization method, also known as fluid energy mill for micronization of solid materials.In many cases, the micronization process is generally considered to be a black box that produces fine powder and crude particles.

Alpa Fangx Stone Ultrafine Hammer Mill for Crushing Case Sharing: 2020 Our company successfully exported to a Ultrafine Hammer Mill for Crushing.

Technical parameters
Finished Products: D50: 3μm
Production capacity: 2-20kg / h

Shan dong alpa is a variety of gas flow crushers, air flow grinding,Development, manufacturing, and application of disc airflow pulverizer, disk airflow pulverizer.