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Ultrafine Turbo Mill Design

2021-11-10 08:44:54

With the development of society and life, the demand for Ultrafine Turbo Mill Design is increasing, and the requirements for fineness, purity and pass rate are increasing.In the current market, there is a great development space.

The crushing product is in addition to the particle size, and the particle size distribution is narrow, the particle name is smooth, the particle shape is high, and the high activity is high, the dispersibility is good.

ALPA Carbon Ultrafine Turbo Mill Design Case Sharing: The company produces supermatch and super fine pulverized in the production of static pressure graphite.After multi-party investigation and experiment, finally selected our AlPA as a cooperative customer, we provide the Ultrafine Turbo Mill Design provided to its carbon pulverized particle size, particle size range, yield and other needs.

Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: D65: 200 mesh
Production capacity: 800-1000kg

AlPa also believes that the future airflow crushing technology will become more and better, Users who need to purchase such products can contact us.