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Pin Mill for Tea Powder

2021-11-17 09:54:27

Pin Mill for Tea Powder can be used for important or need to be grounded to granular product processing, the ALPA ultrafine pulverizer product is good, affordable, factory direct sales, also push after-sales service service for customers, service attitude

[ 123] PIN MILL for Tea Powder is a set of grading systems with a gauge unit and a whirlwind separator, a dust collector and a guide. It can be accurately classified from 200-5000 destination materials, and the material is moved by the casing of the stratigraphic airflow at the lower airflow at the bottom of the flushing airflow to separate the crude material. Separate, The fine particles that meet the particle size requirements are collected by the grading wheel blade gap. The crude particles are partially fine particles to hit the wall, and the roll wall drops to the secondary tight air, the strong Amoy of the second wind The washing is separated, and the fine particles rises to the secondary grade of the fractionation region, and the crude particles are dropped to the unloading port. This can be accurately graded out of the 1000 purpose powder required by this customer.

ALPA Crystalline Sulfur PIN MILL for Tea Powder Case Sharing: Shenyang needs an apparatus capable of ultrafine pulverization of crystalline sulfur. Crystalline sulfur is a flammable and explosive raw material, so there is a very high demand of the explosion-proof system of the pulverized apparatus. After many examinations, our company's nitrogen protection PIN MILL for Tea Powder met the production needs of the company. Pin Mill for Tea Powder has an advantage in security, production capacity, energy consumption.

Technical parameters:

Finished particle size: 200-300 目
Production capacity: 1.5T

In the production process, the Pin Mill for Tea Powder is widely used, and how to operate What is safer?
1, use the rules to use, do not exceed the range of use because it will be very damaged.

2, if the superfine classifier is running, the operator does not stand in the range of rotation to avoid accidents.

3, the staff is in the work, in order to ensure their own safety, wear a well-dressed work apparel.
4, when the classifier is added, do not add hard, because the hard object will damage the machine.
5. If the classifier begins to work, the staff should not leave and prevent problems.
6. If the superfine grade machine is found, it is necessary to stop checking.
7. Do not open the cover or other actions before the classifier is not completely stopped, if you want to operate, you need to stop the machine completely.

Shan Dong Alpa is committed to PIN MILl For Tea Powder, has a mature process, strong technical strength, professional engage in Pin Mill for Tea Powder, survive by quality, welcome everyone to come to consult.