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Cell Mill for ParaceTamol

2021-11-22 10:06:58

With the continuous advancement of pulverizer technology, Cell Mill for ParaceTamol has been familiar with people. The most popular crushing equipment is now the Cell Mill for ParaceTamol. It has a wide variety, available for laboratory, home and factory use. It has a wide range of production, high energy consumption, high automation, and high classification quality.

Cell Mill for ParaceTamol mechanism reasonable, stable operation, low energy consumption, large crushing capacity, small size, no malfunction, convenient cleaning and maintenance. Typically, the outer casing uses water-cooled and self-produced air volume, transporting a powder material, low temperature rise, and the thermal material can be pulverized. The blade wear is reduced by using a large number of ultrasonic vortices generated by the back surface of the blade and the high frequency pressure. Compact, no dust overflow.

ALPA Trimage Materials Cell Mill for ParaceTamol case Sharing: The company requires a three-dimensional material ultrafine pulverizer, and our AlPA's Cell Mill for ParaceTamol is also well known in the industry. There is a lot of proportion in the industry. Through experiment, the company purchased a Cell Mill for ParaceTamol of our company.
Technical parameters:
Finished particle size: D50: 10μm
Production capacity: 5-10kg / h

Let's introduce you to Cell Mill for ParaceTamol cleaning matters:
[123 ] 1. Clean the other components of the pulverizer: mainly using the outer screw cleaning the grinding machine cover and components. These places can be brushed with a brush and brush with water or detergent when necessary.
2, cleaning the pulverizer.
The crusher cabin is the crushed box we said. The item is carried out in the crushing bin, so part of the cutting head is the cleaning point. Different jet mills have different functions. We must first understand this before you can get started quickly and use the airflow milling machine correctly.

Users who need to purchase airflow pulverizer, air flow mill, ultrafine pulverizer, eddy current pulverizer, medical gas flow crusher, ultrafine pulverizer, cone mixer, Chinese medicine crusher, etc. Can contact us.