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Cell Grinder for Blast Furnace Slag

2021-11-25 09:48:40

Many friends who want to produce industrialized must be unfamiliar with Cell Grinder for Blast Furnace Slag. Cell Grinder for Blast Furnace Slag has the characteristics of convenient, fast pulverity, and quality of crushing products. It is a very useful. Crush machine.

Cell Grinder for Blast Furnace SLAG is applied to the ultrafine pulverization of the material. After the material is extracted, the properties of the powder will change, and it is high viscosity after being affected. . Powder is extremely prone to aggregation in the feed opening, pulverizing cavity and exhaust pipe, requires special treatment processes and specific design.

Shan dong alpa design and developed materials were significantly effective in the crushing of materials.
Cell Grinder for Blast Furnace SLAG Compressed Gas Transferred the material particles in the bucket into the disc shocking chamber 3 by the high-speed jet produced by the feed nozzle, and a number of jet nozzles are provided around the crushing chamber. The high-speed fluid is sprayed in the direction, producing an ultra-high-speed swirl in the crushing chamber. The coarse particles in the opposite ultra-high-speed swirls in the superiospantial cyclone generate hit and friction in the intersection, and the particles were quickly pulverized.

When the particles are pulverized to the pulverizing particle size below the pulverized particle size, the centrifugal force of the particle movement is reduced, and the pulverization is separated from the center of the center, and is collected from the center outlet. Such a pulverizer, the motion of the particles can be decomposed into two components in both directions. In one direction, the direction of movement of the particles is substantially consistent, and there is no significant impact pulverizing effect, and only in the other direction, the particles are opposite, and the particles produce effective impact.
Therefore, this impact of the intersection is limited, and the energy of ultra-high-speed moving particles is not fully utilized, so the production energy consumption is still high.
ALPA Phenolic Resin Cell Grinder for Blast FurnAce SLAG Case Sharing: The company has a manufacturer of phenolic resin in its customers. The company has found many powder equipment companies without suitable equipment. Finally, we found our ALPA. After the experiment, our company's product Cell Grinder for Blast Furnace Slag.
Technical parameters:

Finished particle size: D50 less than 5μm

Production capacity: greater than 50kg / h

In the production process, attention should be paid to Cell Grinder for Blast Furnace SLThe maintenance and maintenance of AG.
1. In the production process, the bearing temperature should be checked regularly. When the temperature rises above 50 degrees Celsius, the machine should be stopped to find the cause and troubleshoot.

2, when the new machine is running, the transmission belt is easily elongated. Pay attention to adjust the appropriate tightness of the belt to ensure the life of the belt.

3, which should be regularly inspected, replace it in time, ensuring production quality and production.
4, the wear of the blade and lining should be checked regularly. If the productivity is lowered after the wear, the grain size is thicker and the wear is immediately replaced.
5, the host and the hierarchical flow bearing use grease lubrication.

6, the replacement period of the bearing is 2000 hours, the amount of the grease is 1/2 or 3/4 of the bearing cavity space. (Lower test) The temperature of the bearing will be too high.
7, the spiral feeder changes the fat period of 4,000 hours, plus ordinary calcium based grease.
8, in the output shaft E, i.e., pulley E, avoid heavy hush, damage to the part.
9. It is strictly forbidden to turn the handle of the handwheel in the stop.
10, the lubricator used by the governor adopts N32 alkaline high-zinc high anti-milling oil, and the reducer uses 401 universal lubricants and cannot be replaced by other machines.
11. After 3000 hours, the new oil should be replaced, and then used after 500 hours of oil for the second change, then use it after 1000 hours.

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