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Vibration Pulverizer for Silicon Carbon Black

2021-12-06 09:20:21

Vibration Pulverizer for Silicon Carbon Black As the names is a mechanical equipment used in the production area, which is used in crushing particles, fast pulverity, good accuracy.

Vibration Pulverizer for Silicon Carbon Black is An industrial equipment, consisting of a ball mill, vibration mill, and power is 0.75 kW. With the development of society and the needs of people's lives, the industrial community is getting bigger and bigger, and the requirements for fineness, purity and pass rate are increasing, and the processing rate is very high. Micro-powder equipment is usually extremely expensive and low productivity.

ALPA Seaweed Feed Vibration Pulverizer for Silicon Carbon Black Case Sharing: The company is a seafarer enterprise in Yantai. During the breeding process, it can be used to smash the seaweed. After crushing, it can be used as a feed for sea cucumber, saving feed purchase the cost of. By comparing a long-term use of a Vibration Pulverizer for Silicon Carbon Black, it is possible to save the cost of the production line for several years. The company purchased our AlPa's Vibration Pulverizer for Silicon Carbon Black.
Technical parameters:
finished particle size: D90: 400 目
Production capacity: 400kg / h

Vibration Pulverizer for Silicon Carbon Black material is not small, material, material Long-term stacking in the silo plate knot, the material moisture, the material appears in the silo, and the silo cone is designed without a reference material. Solving silo does not small materials suggests design phase to fully understand the properties of materials, such as pile specific gravity, liquidity, moisture resistance, rest horn, particle size, flammable and explosive properties. Using auxiliary measures, such as air disc, air hammer, air blowing, vibration discharge mechanism, artificial hitting, etc. The pulverizer is an apparatus for ultrafine pulverized dry materials with air separation, heavy polishing, and shear. It consists of a cylindrical crushed chamber, a polishing wheel, a polishing rail, a fan, a material collection system, and the like. The material enters the cylindrical pulverizing chamber through the feed port, and is crushed along the grinding rail, and the crush is achieved. The pulverized material passes out the pulverizer through the negative pressure air flow caused by the fan, and the material collection system is entered, filtered through the filter bag, the air is discharged, the material, the dust is collected, and the pulverization is completed.

Vibration PULVErizer for Silicon Carbon Black's feeding system is one of the key components. It is often encountered in actual use, such as the material is not affected, and the feed is not uniform, and even can't feed. Simple analysis of non-uniform feeding of feed is more sticky or fluidity, and the design of the feeding system is designed. Feeding uneven resolution suggests based on material properties systemic solution, such as silo structure, auxiliary sheet structure, feeding valve structure, auxiliary feeding measures, and ventilation and control systems. The feeding system is generally silo, auxiliary tablet equipment, and feeding mechanism three components, depending on the material properties, the design parameters of the feeding system are different.

The above is the use of the use of the Vibration Pulverizer for Silicon Carbon Black products and the simple solution. Everyone must pay more attention when using it.

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