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Rod Pin Pulverizer of Titanium Dioxide

2021-12-16 14:23:16

In numerous pulverization mode, Rod Pin Pulverizer of Titanium Dioxide has become one of the most mainstream pulverization techniques with a small particle size, narrow particle size distribution, high purity, high particulate activity, and good dispersibility. Especially suitable for crushing drugs such as contaminated materials.

The distinction between the ultrafine pulverizer and the ordinary pulverizer in the crush:
The ordinary pulverizer can only be smashed into 200 mesh, and 200 mesh is 75 microns. It is the size of the flour, and the ordinary flour is about 80 mesh 160 mes, that is, 90 to 180 microns, this is the thickness of the ordinary pulverizer to print powder.
The ultrafine pulverizer can be super micro-pulverized, can be smashed to 10,000 mesh, 10,000 mesh is 1.3μm, which is equivalent to the particles of the flour, and then pulverized into 70 copies, each size is 10,000 mesh, can It is very thin.

ALPA Peel Peas Rod Pin Pulverizer Of Titanium Dioxide Case Sharing: The company uses the food professional processing enterprise in R \u0026 D, processing and sales, and has been discovered by multi-examination or our Alpa's Rod Pin Pulverizer of Titanium. Dioxide meets all needs.
Technical parameters:
Production capacity: 2T +/- 10%

Rod Pin Pulverizer of Titanium Dioxide is excessively mainly below the factors:
1 Crush When the machine is running at high speed, the operating member boosted the air to generate \"\" call;
2 When the device is running, the vibration sound produced;
3 turntable or hammer and the drug;
4 equipment The ribo of the rotating member itself occurs.
I know why Rod Pin Pulverizer of Titanium DioXide has too much noise, we can find a way to solve:
1 Each rotating component adds lubricants, if the bearing and the axis is misal, adjust; bearing wear, Replace the bearing;
2 The heat generating phenomenon will also generate noise, and the pulverizing chamber is watering cooling clamp;
3 is at the discharge space, install the muffler;
4 to vibrate the equipment Treatment, such as vibration damping pad.
If your ROD PIN Pulverizer of Titanium Dio has similar questions, you can refer to the above situations and programs.

The company can mentionFree experiments and testing, 24-hour consultation services, welcome.