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Impact Mill Machine for Cellulose DeriVATIVES

2021-12-22 10:04:04

It is well known that this product technology in Impact Mill Machine for Cellulose Derivatives has received extensive attention from the industry.

Impact Mill Machine for Cellulose DeriVATIV is a set of grading systems, a grading machine and a cyclone separator, a dust collector, and a guide. It can be accurately classified from 200-5000 destination materials, and the material is moved by the casing of the stratigraphic airflow at the lower airflow at the bottom of the flushing airflow to separate the crude material. Separate, The fine particles that meet the particle size requirements are collected by the grading wheel blade gap. The crude particles are partially fine particles to hit the wall, and the roll wall drops to the secondary tight air, the strong Amoy of the second wind The washing is separated, and the fine particles rises to the secondary grade of the fractionation region, and the crude particles are dropped to the unloading port. This can be accurately graded out of the 1000 purpose powder required by this customer.

AlPa lysled carbon black IMPACT MILL MACHINE for Cellulose DeriVative case Share: The company is a renewable energy application company in Inner Mongolia, when the company recovers the waste tire, ultrafine pulverized equipment is needed Cracking carbon black for ultrafine pulverization. After many incidents, our AlPa's Impact Mill Machine for Cellulose DeriVATIVs were selected.

Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: D90: 500 目
Production capacity: 2T

Today we understand how the Impact Mill Machine for Cellulose DeriVATIVes is maintained.

First, the air blower
1. Because the blades in the fan are particularly easy to accumulate, so they must clean the dust in the fan every week.
2, add the bearing box once a month.
3, if there is an abnormality in the fan, it is necessary to stop the ultrafine gas flow classifier for inspection.
Second, the host
1, you should check the graded impeller, spiral feeder, smash nozzle each year, see if there is wear, whether there is a place to replace.
2, running to a certain time, in order not to affect the use of ultrafine gas flow grading machine, some parts must be cleaned.
3, the bearing should make the right amount of lubrication, which will make the temperature abnormally.
Third, the planet waste valve
1, if the ultrafine airflow classifier has abnormal, it must be downtown immediatelycheck.
2, the impeller and the body are cleaned every three months.
3, plus lubricants should also have every three.

The Impact Mill Machine for Cellulose DeriVAatch produced by our company can not only be divided into 10-2μm from the ordinary powder, but also directly with mechanical pulverization equipment, forming a closed circuit, improving the pulverization efficiency.And can prevent high temperature in the cavity to cause adhesion, glue, glue, causing operations, and at the same time, the classifier has also been well received, and friends who need it are in contact with us!