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Pin Pulverizer of Composite Material

2021-12-31 11:05:20

With the development of the times, the progress of society, the development of the market is elegant, and more and more manufacturing have to accelerate innovation, some transformations, some continue to improve the technical level of the product, to adapt to the development of the market, Meet the customer's picky requirements. In the case of changing market, only constantly innovation, constantly improve your own technical level, constantly improve your own product, in order to make the Pin Pulverizer of Composite Material industry have a broader development space.

The distinction between the ultrafine pulverizer and the ordinary pulverizer in the crush:
The ordinary pulverizer can only be smashed into 200 mesh, and 200 mesh is 75 microns. It is the size of the flour, and the ordinary flour is about 80 mesh 160 mes, that is, 90 to 180 microns, this is the thickness of the ordinary pulverizer to print powder.
The ultrafine pulverizer can be super micro-pulverized, can be smashed to 10,000 mesh, 10,000 mesh is 1.3μm, which is equivalent to the particles of the flour, and then pulverized into 70 copies, each size is 10,000 mesh, can It is very thin.

AlPa Quartz Sand PIN Pulverizer of Composite Material Case Sharing: This customer needs to grades quartz sand, compared to a number of powder equipment manufacturers, and finally pass the experiment, finally choose our alpa Grading machine equipment. Product particle size: D95: 45μm hour Yield: 8-12T Welcomes major quartz sand manufacturers to visit, incompetent experiments.

Ultrafew Pulverizer of Composite Material:
1 Foreign objects such as slag. In the absence of the fan and the main motor, open the implicit baffles under the feed port, allowing impurities and washing materials to be discharged from here. After the end, open the ultrafine pulverizer observation door, check whether there is impurities in the pulverizer, hammer head and ring gear have problems.
2, before checking everything is normal, the power-on starting the device, check the direction of rotation of all motors.
3. Parameter inspection setting for the two inverters of the ultrafine pulverizer's feed motor and the graded wheel motor, check if the air open, contactor, heat relay, overcurrent relay adjustment is appropriate? Return all lines all over again.
4, check whether the solenoid valve is blown normally, regulate the dust collector solenoid pulse width and blow interval.
5. Check if the cleaning of the cleaners under the brake dragon has a leakage, can be placed in the interface with the hand or fine powder, there is a feeling of suction, if there is a sealing treatment. After all the above check is normal, prepare to bring the materialProduce.

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