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Pin Pulverizer of Washed Kaolin

2021-12-31 11:05:32

Modern production not only pursues production and finished product quality, but also develops toward environmental protection. In particular, in the comminution industry, the overall development trend of my country's PIN Pulverizer of Washed Kaolin technology is stable and developed towards the rate, strong control, high quality.

PIN Pulverizer of Washed Kaolin is a set of grading systems, grading machines and cyclone separators, dust collectors, and airformations. It can be accurately classified from 200-5000 destination materials, and the material is moved by the casing of the stratigraphic airflow at the lower airflow at the bottom of the flushing airflow to separate the crude material. Separate, The fine particles that meet the particle size requirements are collected by the grading wheel blade gap. The crude particles are partially fine particles to hit the wall, and the roll wall drops to the secondary tight air, the strong Amoy of the second wind The washing is separated, and the fine particles rises to the secondary grade of the fractionation region, and the crude particles are dropped to the unloading port. This can be accurately graded out of the 1000 purpose powder required by this customer.

AlPa Pea Protein Pin Pulverizer of Washed Kaolin case Share: The customer is a food company in Russia. After finding a lot of powder equipment companies, it has not found a suitable device. It has been influenced by the company's production and operation, and finally I saw our pea protein on our website, and finally, I finally determined Pin Pulverizer of Washed Kaolin purchased our company.

Technical parameters:
finished particle size: 400 mesh
Production capacity: 1.5T

There are many core accessories, and these attachments are also fragile parts, once Do not pay attention to repair, causing serious consequences, especially if the airflow grinding spindle will cause downtime, and cannot estimate the output loss. The following sections describe the reasons for fracture of airflow grinding main axis.

The cause of the airflow grinding main shaft is easy to damage:
1. Since the pulverizer is a long-time crushing and ground bulk ore, the mechanical impact will cause fatigue damage to the spindle, if it is operated, the surface of the spindle Will wear, if you don't pay attention, cracks are generated.
2. The air supply will pass the airflower overload. When gas flow is used, you need to feed it properly, and each machine is limited. If this is exceeded, the component is easily damaged in the load operation, which will affect the overall service life of the airflow.
3. In mining and transportationIn the process, ore is often mixed with some waste metals. When these objects are in the upper portion of the belt, the electromagnet cannot be excluded due to the metal characteristics of the electromagnet, and the electromagnet cannot be excluded, resulting in these materials in ore and mud.In gas flow grinding, there is frequent iron to cause frequent impact on the spindle and other parts.
The above is why the Pin Pulverizer of Washed Kaolin spindle is easily damaged.

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