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Rotor Pulverizer with Gluten Flour

2022-01-04 16:18:06

Rotor Pulverizer with Gluten Flour can be used in the current industrial production process, and AlPA has been committed to the development and application of equipment such as grading machines for many years. The classification machine has gradually begun to develop in the direction of modernization, and we believe that we can provide a complete set of production planning programs to our customers in a large range.

Rotor Pulverizer with gluten flour is used to crush the item, then the crushing items and tailings will also be discharged in time. When the pulverizer discharges these crushing items, there will be dust.

How do I solve if the dust is too big?

1. Install the dust collector: Generally, this dust collector can now be used with a crusher. It puts dust income trapping bag, dust is filtered by the dust box;

2, cloth bag dustproof: cloth bag is tightly pulled with machine, prevent leakage drain. Attention should be paid attention to parking, and the dust should be cleaned in time.
3, woodllar or pool dust removal: mainly using the ventilator to vacuum to the crushing, then vacuum, or vacuum through the pool.

The above three dust removal methods can achieve a good dust removal effect, and can solve the problem of excessive dust, which is generally installed before working to prevent excessive dust.

ALPA Long Stone Powder Rotor Pulverizer WITH GLUTEN FLOUR Case Sharing: The company is a high-tech industry in a industrial company, integrating mineral resources, mining, deep processing in one, main products have six major products. Category: long stone powder, silicon fine powder, aluminum soil, kaolin and other products. The product is high, the particle size, reasonable particle size distribution, stable quality, widely used in electrician, electronics, silicone rubber, ceramics, precision casting and other industries. Products are exported to many countries and regions in my country. The company needs airflow selection to ultrafine long stone powder.
Finally, our classifier can meet customer needs.

Product particle size: D50: 16.7

Let me introduce the cleaning of Rotor Pulverizer with gluten flour:

1, other components of the pulverizer: mainly with the outer screw Clean the grinding machine cover and components. These places can be brushed with a brush and brush with water or detergent when necessary.

2, cleaning the pulverizer.
The crusher cabin is the crushed box we said. The item is carried out in the crushing bin, so part of the cutting head is the cleaning point. Do notThe same jet mill has different functions.We must first understand this before you can get started quickly and use the airflow milling machine correctly.
Welcome to visit Shandong AlPA website, company specializing in the production and development and service of Rotor Pulverizer With Gluten Flour Product technology, high-energy technical experts, professional after-sales service team, solved the worries of customers.