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Rod Pin Grinder with Composite Mineral Powder

2022-01-04 16:19:24

Since the 1980s, with the development of the national economy, more and more industries need to dry ultra-fine powder mills on materials, Rod Pin Grinder with Composite Mineral Powder is the most powerful powder One of the effective equipment. In my country, after 20 years of development, Rod Pin Grinder With Composite Mineral Power Industry has been widely used in pesticides, food, medicine, fine chemical, electronic battery materials and other fields.

Rod Pin Grinder With Composite Mineral Power's design structure is simple, the function is very powerful, using Rod Pin Grinder With Composite Mineral Powder usually gets a very good effect. Its design is simple, easy to operate, easy to clean.

ALPA Composite Pin Rod Pin Grinder with Composite Composite Mineral PoWder case Share: This customer is a renewable resource company, the customer needs to select a different particle size selection of composite powder, and it is necessary to select ultrafine powder less than 30μm. . Investigate a number of domestic grading equipment manufacturers, did not find the right equipment, and finally found the right equipment in our AlPa, and selected our vertical grading machine equipment. Product particle size: D97 ≤ 30μm hour yield: 80T

Welcome major composite powder manufacturers to visit, incompetent experiments.

How to choose a power conservation depletion that can achieve ultrafine grading, but also has an emission standard, good working environment, beautiful Rod Pin Grinder with Composite Composite Mineral Powder, give everyone a few suggestions:

First, according to the characteristics of the material you want, from the hardness, fineness, yield, addition value, the requirements of the metal impurity content, the amount of metal impurities, etc. What are the initial judgment of the classification machine type.

Second, according to the type of the classifier, which model is a superfine gas flow classifier. Which models are coarse grading machines, which models can be crushed with higher hardness materials, which machines The type is a classifying machine with a crushing of root stems, fibers, and oils.

If there is a use of the Rod Pin Grinder With Composite Mineral Power, please contact us Alpa,