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Rotor Pulverizer with Silicate Material

2022-01-11 09:50:35

In the rapid development of the region, there are a lot of people have already Rotor pulverizer with Silicate material have a certain understanding, mill technology is in a leading position in the industry.

Many manufacturers will choose to process the later pulverizing a Rotor pulverizer with Silicate material, but not all may be suitable mill production and processing, error processing method that will mill faster wear rate . The mill is wear is too fast, and the inner cavity of the pulverizer of the material should be selected when the material hardness is too large.

The device operates for a long time in a higher crushing pressure, which requires uniformity of cyclical replacement losses.
The product after the crushing products are generally single peaks. If there is a double-peak or multimodal main reason, the pulverization pressure is unstable. The solution is based on the gas supply of gas source equipment to meet the amount of gas required for work, ensuring that the lowest gas supply pressure of the gas is high than the working pressure.
The feed speed is unstable. Solution to check if there is a blockage at the feed valve; the material is not very viscous, uniform liquidity, and the stable control feed speed. A filter cake is formed in the pulverizer chamber. The solution is suspended, and the filter cakes in the crushed chamber will then return to the production.

alpa desulfurizer Rotor pulverizer with Silicate material Case Study: The company is a high-tech company, you need a desulfurization agent mill, an inspection tour of a number of domestic and foreign powder equipment manufacturers, the final choice of our alpa Rotor pulverizer with Silicate material.

Technical parameters:
Finished particle size: 90% through 200 mesh
capacity: 4-5t

Below we introduce Rotor pulverizer with Silicate material CDM matters: [ 123]

1, other components of the cleaning mill: mainly used outside of the screw member and the cleaning mill cover. These places can be brushed with a brush and brush with water or detergent when necessary.
2, cleaning the pulverizer.
The crusher cabin is the crushed box we said. The item is carried out in the crushing bin, so part of the cutting head is the cleaning point. Different jet mills have different functions. We must first understand this before you can get started quickly and use the airflow milling machine correctly.

Welcome to choose shan dong alpa, one dedicated to the company jet mill products and services, our company has long provided Rotor pulverizer witH Silicate Material, the price is low, if you are interested in our Rotor Pulverizer with Silicate Material, please feel free to contact us.