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Cell Pulverizer with artificial graphite

2022-01-11 09:50:49

People currently use in daily life are also more, Cell Pulverizer with Artificial Graphite is smashed into standard size, usually smashed into micron level, usually our equipment is With multiple devices, it is usually composed of coarse, fine powder, or a wind device or the like. The main purpose is to use wind energy to be powdered, and have canceled the traditional screening at the time of use. The main application is more useful in many industries such as mining or building materials. Some industries such as metallurgical or building materials, chemicals, etc. are useful to use large crushers for work.

Cell Pulverizer with Artificial Graphite is a comminuted device that is widely used in the current phase, which has very good fineness in the production of products produced, which can be finely pulverized silicon carbide, metal , Ore and other substances, and can also perform the production of ceramics, medicine, and biochemical products with high purity requirements.

ALPA Rock Cell Pulverizer WITH ARTIFICIAL GRAPHITE share: This customer is a large-scale comprehensive group enterprise specializing in the mining, powder processing and sales of heavy crystalline mines, which is imported from abroad. Restalline crushing equipment. Later, by understanding, knowing the ultrafine pulverization equipment of our ALPA Co., Ltd., in terms of performance, in terms of foreign devices, far exceeding the same type of equipment, far exceeded the same type of equipment. Finally, after many exam, IPA purchased the Cell Pulverizer with Artificial Graphite.

Technical parameters:
Finished particle size: 1250 measures
Production capacity: 1.2-1.5T

Any mechanical equipment, there is a certain precaution before use, must check attention Matters, in order to operate, reduce the damage rate to the lowest, so what precautions do Cell Pulverizer WITH ARTIFICIAL Graphite before use?

1. Check whether the firmware is tight before use, whether the spindle direction is correct, so as not to damage the machine.
2, lubrication should be carried out in accordance with the requirements to make the machine operating properly.
3, the material cannot be mixed before the grinding machine is added to avoid damaging the pulverizer.
4, foreign matter should not be treated in time to avoid damage to the tool.
5. When using the crusher, if there is abnormality, it should be handled immediately to avoid a large loss. 6. If damage should be replaced immediately, certain components should be checked.

If the Cell PulveriZer With Artificial Graphite has useful needs and questions, welcome to contact us AlPa,