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Impact Crusher for BiSmuth Sulfide

2021-11-18 09:08:43

With the development of the times, the progress of society, the development of the market is elegant, and more and more manufacturing have to accelerate innovation, some transformations, some continue to improve the technical level of the product, to adapt to the development of the market, Meet the customer's picky requirements. In the case of continuous changes in the market, only constantly innovation, constantly improving their own technology, constantly improving their own products, in order to make the Impact Crusher For BiSMUTH Sulfide industry have a broader development space.

The overall development trend of my country's material ultrafine crushing technology is to make a more ultra-fine pulverized equipment to various types of ultra-fine pulverization equipment towards low-cost, high efficiency, strong dispersibility, good dispersibility and stable quality. High technical requirements.

Impact Crusher for BiSMUTH Sulfide Engineering Technology will need more and more high-purity ultrafine powder, ultra-fine powder technology will play an increasingly important role in high-tech research and development. Although high-purity ultrafine powder is prepared by chemical synthesis, it is too high, which is extremely difficult for industrial production. The main means of obtaining the ultrafine powder is still mechanical and pulverized, and ultra-fine pulverization technology is a combination of many technologies. Its development also depends on the progress of the relevant technology.

Therefore, the main development trend of ultrafine pulverization equipment has been developed with fine pulverized equipment with ultrafine pulverized equipment. Ultrafine pulverized equipment with low energy consumption, small land, and has high handling capacity. Integrated development of equipment and process research.

Ultra-fine pulverization and supporting equipment must be adapted to specific bored features and product indicators, and the scale model must be adapted.

AlPa Trimemuth Sulfide Case Sharing:
A lithium-electric material company main product is \"lithium electrode material\", the most important component of lithium ion battery includes electrolyte, isolation material, positive electrode Materials, negative electrode materials, housing, etc. High-end lithium battery sector requirements for sexy life life.
Case parameters:
Product particle size: D50: 9.1 μm
Hour Yield: 300kg

Maintenance and maintenance of Impact Crusher for BiSmuth Sulfide during production.
1. In the production process, the bearing temperature should be checked regularly. When the temperature rises above 50 degrees Celsius, the machine should be stopped to find the cause and troubleshoot.
2, when the new machine is running, the transmission belt is easily elongated. Pay attention to adjust the appropriate tightness of the belt to ensure the life of the belt.

3, the lossless parts should be checked regularly, replace it in time to ensure quality and production.
4, the wear of the blade and lining should be checked regularly. If the productivity is lowered after the wear, the grain size is thicker and the wear is immediately replaced.
5, the host and the hierarchical flow bearing use grease lubrication.

6, the replacement period of the bearing is 2000 hours, the amount of the grease is 1/2 or 3/4 of the bearing cavity space. (Lower test) The temperature of the bearing will be too high.
7, the spiral feeder changes the fat period of 4,000 hours, plus ordinary calcium based grease.
8, in the output shaft E, i.e., pulley E, avoid heavy hush, damage to the part.
9. It is strictly forbidden to turn the handle of the handwheel in the stop.
10, the lubricator used by the governor adopts N32 alkaline high-zinc high anti-milling oil, and the reducer uses 401 universal lubricants and cannot be replaced by other machines.
11. After 3000 hours, the new oil should be replaced, and then used after 500 hours of oil for the second change, then use it after 1000 hours.
ALPA is a research and development of research and sales of ultra-fine classifiers, precision grading machines, laboratory grade machines, and is committed to classifying machines. Welcome friends in need to negotiate.