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Hammer Crusher of Solid Waste

2021-11-18 09:08:55

With the continuous development of pulverizer technology, Hammer Crusher of Solid Waste has gradually penetrates people's daily life.

Hammer Crusher of solid Waste and cyclone separators, dust collectors and airplanes have become a complete crushing system. After filtering the compressed air, the high-speed nozzle is sprayed into the pulverized chamber, and the material is repeated, friction and shear at the intersection of the multi-high pressure airflow.

The crushing material moves together with the rising airflow to the pulverized region under suction of the fan, producing a strong centrifuge generated by a high speed rotary pulley. Under the action of force, the fine particles are separated, and the cyclone and dust collectors are collected by the pulverizing wheel according to particle size particles, and the coarse particles fall into the pulverized region to continue to be pulverized.

ALPA battery material Hammer Crusher of solid Waste case sharing:

A new material company is a modern high-tech private enterprise integrating R \u0026 D, production and sales. The company teamed up with the research team of many universities to transform the international leading patented technology to high-tech products, filled the domestic technical gap. The company will rely on lithium-electric positive material materials as the core, with its company to form an interrelated, left and right support, collaborative support, comprehensive utilization cycle industrial chain.

Case parameters
Product particle size: 2-45 um
Hour Yield: 200-300kg

Any mechanical equipment, there is a certain precaution before use, must check the precautions In order to operate, reduce the damage rate to the lowest, so what preventive measures before using Hammer Crusher Of Solid Waste?

1. Check whether the firmware is tight before use, whether the spindle direction is correct, so as not to damage the machine.

2, lubrication should be carried out in accordance with the requirements to make the machine operating properly.
3, the material cannot be mixed before the grinding machine is added to avoid damaging the pulverizer.
4, foreign matter should not be treated in time to avoid damage to the tool.
5. When using the crusher, if there is abnormality, it should be handled immediately to avoid a large loss. 6. If damage should be replaced immediately, certain components should be checked.

Hammer Crusher Of Solid Waste's usage specification has a lot, I want to know more about the ultra-fine ganglift grader, welcome to consult with us!