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Hammer Mill of PhoSphor

2021-11-19 08:37:38

Hammer Mill of PhoSphor as the name refers to a mechanical equipment applied to the production area, which is mostly used in pulverizing particles, fast pulverity, good accuracy.

Hammer Mill of Phosphor as a high pressure of pulverization The regulated gas storage bag conversion to the periphery of the pulverized cavity is the airflow distribution station. After the airflow passes through the Ravar nozzle accelerates the ultrasonic speed air flow into the pulverizing chamber, the material and the venturi nozzle enters the crushing chamber synchronous accelerated grinding.
Since the flow cycle of the jet of the crushing chamber and the animal feed, the particles and the particles and the fixed target wall hit, collide, friction, and grind. The fine particles were opened into the center of the pulverizer, and the cyclone separator was entered at the drive of the heart flow, and the coarse powder was thrown into the periphery of the pulverizing chamber, and cycled under the action of centrifugation and continued to be pulverized.
ALPA Steel slag Hammer Mill of PhoSphor case share: This customer is Xi'an Steel Residue Application Technology Co., Ltd., mainly engaged in re-use development of steel slag. During the production process, steel slag ultrafine powder is required, screening the required steel slag micropowder, the customer investigates many domestic powder equipment manufacturers, and finally chose our ALPA vertical air classifier.

Case parameters:

Product particle size: D97: 5-75μm
Hemler Mill of Phosphor Job Safety Application Basic Requirements
1, Crusher The operator should stand in the tangent direction of the hammer rotation, and if you don't wear your gloves, your hand must exceed the security line, not allowing iron and sticks instead of hand feed.
2, pulverizer and power unit should be installed firmly. If the equipment is fixed for a long time, it should be fixed on the cement; if the device is a mobile operation, the unit should be installed on the base made of angle iron, and ensure that the belt wheel groove of the power machine (diesel or electric motor) and the equipment is in the same Rotary plane.

At the same time, check if the leather belt looseness is appropriate.

4 Whether the power machine and the pulverizing machine are lubricated.
5, don't just replace the pulley, prevent the transition chamber to produce explosion, or the speed of the pulverizer is too low.
6. After the pulverizer starts, it should be idled by 2 to 3 minutes, no abnormal phenomenon, then press the work.
7. At any time, pay attention to the operation of the equipment, the feeding should be uniform, to prevent blocking bullies, do not have a long time overload. If you findThere are vibrations, noise, bearing and body temperature, and out of the outer spray, should be closed immediately, and the fault can continue to work.
8. When blocking occurs, it should be stopped immediately. It is strictly forbidden to use a wooden stick or hand to feed or pull out the feed to avoid the pulverizer to wound the arm or damage the machine.
9. If you crush a hard raw material, the operator must wear glasses.
10, the workplace should have a ventilator and strictly prohibit fireworks to prevent dust explosion from fire.

To learn more about Hammer Mill of PhoSphor, you will go to Shan Dong Alpa, the company is in research and development and production of crusher and crusher related products, quality, by consumers,trustworthy.