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Vibration Grinder of ammonia Rubber Coating

2021-11-23 10:34:18

Vibration Grinder of Ammonia Rubber Coating is an industrial equipment. With the development of society and the needs of people's lives, the industrial community is increasingly demanding in various fine powder, and the requirements, purity and pass rate requirements. It is also increasingly high, and the application of the classifier is also more extensive.

For the service life of Vibration Grinder of Ammonia Rubber Coating, it is always necessary to keep good performance.
1, for the newly purchased equipment requires novice necessary to understand its operating specifications. If it is a novice operation, it is necessary to prevent unnecessary losses during the operation.
2, if the machine is abnormal, if the machine is abnormal, it is necessary to keep the mechanical personnel to repair debugging and turn off the power. Non-designated personnel prohibit private commissioning or disassembly machine components during the maintenance process. When repairing commissioning, you must turn off the machine power.
3, the Vibration Grinder of Ammonia Rubber Coating is cleaned promptly after use. Maintaining the internal cleaning of the Vibration Grinder of Ammonia Rubber Coating, avoiding oxidation of the material and the inner contact.

ALPA sodium bicarbonate Vibration Grinder of Ammonia Rubber Coating Case Sharing: This company often uses Vibration Grinder of Ammonia Rubber Coating, and the supply of sodium bicarbonate is required for dry desulfurization. Fine powder. The company has won many power plant dry desulfurization projects with our AlPa's cooperation. It is very satisfied with the Vibration Grinder of Ammonia Rubber Coating we produced.
Technical parameters:

Finished granularity: 700 目

Production capacity: 800kg

Vibration Grinder of Ammonia Rubber Coating Job Safety Application Basic Requirements
1, Crusher Work The operator should stand in the tangent direction of the hammer rotation, and if you don't wear your gloves, your hand must exceed the security line, not allowing iron and sticks instead of hand feed.

2, pulverizer and power unit should be installed firmly. If the equipment is fixed for a long time, it should be fixed on the cement; if the device is a mobile operation, the unit should be installed on the base made of angle iron, and guaranteedThe belt wheel groove of the force (diesel engine or electric motor) and the device is in the same turning plane.

At the same time, check if the leather belt looseness is appropriate.
4 Whether the power machine and the pulverizing machine are lubricated.
5, don't just replace the pulley, prevent the transition chamber to produce explosion, or the speed of the pulverizer is too low.
6. After the pulverizer starts, it should be idled by 2 to 3 minutes, no abnormal phenomenon, then press the work.
7. At any time, pay attention to the operation of the equipment, the feeding should be uniform, to prevent blocking bullies, do not have a long time overload. If there is found that vibration, noise, the bearing and the body temperature is too high, the outer spray, etc., should be closed immediately, and the fault can be eliminated.
8. When blocking occurs, it should be stopped immediately. It is strictly forbidden to use a wooden stick or hand to feed or pull out the feed to avoid the pulverizer to wound the arm or damage the machine.
9. If you crush a hard raw material, the operator must wear glasses.
10, the workplace should have a ventilator and strictly prohibit fireworks to prevent dust explosion from fire.

If you still have questions, you can contact AlPa Technology Co., Ltd., the company's leading product Vibration Grinder of Ammonia Rubber Coating system is currently gaining in the grading field of miniature particles that cannot be processed by dry airflow. Successful application, break through the boundaries of dry grading, equipment system in rare earth polishing powder, metal powder, silver powder, tungsten powder, alumina, battery material, ceramic powder, carbonyl nickel, iron powder, toner, resin, pigment, mica Powder, cosmetics and other industries have won a wide range of applications, warmly welcome users to come to consult and purchase, our company equipment is manufactured, the size is complete, there is a suitable for you!