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Cell Mill of Plastic Powder

2021-11-29 11:10:39

Cell Mill of Plastic Powder As the name refers to a mechanical equipment used in the production area, which is mostly used in pulverizing particles, fast pulverity, good accuracy.

Cell Mill of Plastic Powder pulverized particle size A wide range of operations, simple operation, but during the pulverization process, there is often a case where the crushing effect is different.

The crushing effect is mainly affected by the following factors:

The temperature and pressure of the gas ratio, the feed particle size, the working fluid, and the pulverization aid. The gas-solid ratio of the pulverizer in crush is an important technical parameter and an important indicator. If the gas is too small, the kinetic energy of the airflow will be insufficient, which will affect the fineness of the product. But if the gas is too high, not only will waste energy, but will even degrade the dispersion performance of certain pigments.

When pulverizing hard materials, there is a stricter requirement for the particle size of the feed. In terms of titanium powder, it is necessary to control 100 to 200 mesh when pulverizing calcination; the material after pulverizing surface is generally 40 to 70 mesh, and cannot exceed 2 to 5 mesh.
So, should you choose how high pressure when crushing? Those skilled, this is mainly dependent on the comminutability and fineness requirements of the material.
ALPA Pigments Cell Mill of Plastic Powder Case Sharing: This customer needs to use the pigment ultrafine pulverized equipment during its production. Through the ultrafine pulverization of the pigment, improve the quality of the product, after many other types of equipment, finally chose our AlPa's Cell Mill of Plastic Powder. Compared with the same type of equipment, our company's product reliability is higher, the pulverized particle size is more uniform, and the particle size after pulverization is narrow, and there will be no too much particle size range.

Technical parameters:

Finished particle size: D90: 13μm;
Production capacity: 130kg / h

How to maintain ultra-fine Cell Mill of Plastic Powder, introduce the following points Everyone:

1, the pulverizer runs around each week, it needs to be stopped, check if the filter dust is blocked, clean the filter dusting film.

2, the bearing is marked, and the high temperature butter is added regularly, and the bearing is lubricated and maintained.
3, before the production, the air machine operation, check if there is any abnormal noise under the equipment, every two months, the stop inspection is loose.
4, before each shift is parked, the air machine is loaded, and all the materials of the cavity are all discharged.

Shan dong alpa is a world-renowned particle and powder processing system provider, I want to consult relevant questions.You can get the answer you want by asking Shandong Alpa to get the answer you want, it is not just a price of a device, and there may be a powder technology solution in your industry.