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Ring Roller Pulverizer for Magnesium

2021-12-07 10:17:17

The airflow pulverizer plays a vital role in the current industrial production. In various major minerals, chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, and food manufacturing industries are widely used. With the continuous development of airflow crushers, the various major industries are particularly medical, and the food industry puts forward new requirements in the pulverization process. It is desirable that the powder can be kept clean. In the manufacture of traditional airflow pulverizer, carbon steel, stainless steel is generally used as the lining material of the airflow pulverizer.

Ring Roller Pulverizer for Magnesium technology is designed and manufactured in the classification wheel.

There are usually two classification wheels: metal and ceramics, for some magnetic pollution-sensitive materials, the ceramic grading wheel must be used, and the current market is commonly used in the market. Another silicon nitride ceramic has excellent machining properties, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, high strength, high adhesion, low density, low friction coefficient and self-lubricity.

The grading wheel can be widely used in powder refining and grading industries. At present, the maximum diameter of φ180 mm is currently reached, the highest operating speed is 12,000 rpm, and the normal service life is more than 1 year. It has been successfully applied to Downstream users, the application is good. The maximum use of this classification wheel is to prevent metal pollution, in addition, its specific graviz is 40% lower than zirconia ceramics, which can not only greatly reduce the energy consumption of the motor, but can greatly lower motor energy consumption. Under existing motors, overcons can be achieved to obtain finer particles.

ALPA Carbon Ring Roller Pulverizer for Magnesium Case Sharing: The company produces superfine and super fine pulveruts in the production of static pressure graphite. After multi-party examinations and experiments, finally selected our AlPA as a cooperative customer, we offer the Ring Roller Pulverizer for Magnesium provided to its induction of carbon pulverity, particle size, yield, etc.

Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: D65: 200 目
Production capacity: 800-1000kg

How to install Ring Roller Pulverizer for magnesium, the following content hope to help you .

1, Chinese medicine shredder should be more smooth and easier to use.
2, before the traditional Chinese grinder work, clean processing materials must be selected. Hard metal, such as metal or stones, can not be mixed into the machine, so as not to damage parts or faults.
3, before the machine is opened, check whether the components of the machine are firm and reliable. Everything is normal, so you can work.
4, turn on the power, turn for 1-2 minutes, check if the operation is normal, normal, canThe material is placed.When the crusher is working, the operator cannot leave.Once the sound is abnormal, the power supply should be disconnected immediately.In the new pulverizer raw material, the exit is fixed with a long bag.
5. When using the pulverizer, if the power supply voltage is too low, do not use it to avoid damage to the motor.The power supply is normal, it is not easy to damage, and the production efficiency is high.

Shan dong alpa is a scientific and technological private enterprise producing various airflow pulverations, airflow mill, medical and air flow crushers, disc air thrower, and users who need to purchase such products.Contact us.