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Turbo Mill Machine Of Toluidine Red

2021-12-07 10:17:47

Currently, Turbo Mill Machine Of ToliDine Red has gradually entered people's lives, more and more plants, and companies are using the equipment.

Turbo Mill Machine Of ToliDine Red has a small size, light weight, high efficiency, no dust, cleaning, easy to operate, and aesthetics.

The pulverized groove and the blade are made of stainless steel. It can complete the coarse crushed and fine powder in 3 seconds to 2 minutes. It can quickly crush a variety of Chinese herbal medicines and most of the food, wide and wide, and different properties. It is very well pulverized, and the material is losses, and the dissection of different materials will not be strooked.

such as Western ginseng, ginseng, three seventh, placenta, baui, pearl, white peony, 苡 苡 米, green beans, soy, sesame, rice, corn, etc.

AlPA Silica Powder Turbo Mill Machine Of ToliDine Red Case Sharing:

A new energy company is a high-tech enterprise focusing on high performance lithium battery materials, and the company's main business areas involve the research and development of battery materials. Development and technology transfer of production and sales and battery technology.
The company is based on the development of lithium battery materials and technology. The company adheres to the innovation of science and technology, leading the future concept, and grows forward to new energy technology companies with core competitiveness.
Case parameters:
Product particle size: go to 3UM fine powder
Hour Yield: 150kg

Let me introduce Turbo Mill Machine of Toluidine Red Cleaning Test:

1. Clean the other components of the pulverizer: mainly using the outer screw cleaning the grinding machine cover and components. These places can be brushed with a brush and brush with water or detergent when necessary.
2, cleaning the pulverizer.
The crusher cabin is the crushed box we said. The item is carried out in the crushing bin, so part of the cutting head is the cleaning point. Different jet mills have different functions. We must first understand this before you can get started quickly and use the airflow milling machine correctly.
ALPA also believes that future airflow crushing technology will become better and better, users who need to purchase such products can contact us.