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Rod Pin Pulverizer for Construction Rubbish

2021-12-08 10:51:16

The people currently used in daily life are also more, the airflow pulverizer is smashed into the standard size, which is generally smashed into micrometers, usually our equipment is more The device is constructed, usually composed of a portion of a coarse, fine powder or a wind device, or the like. The main purpose is to use wind energy to be powdered, and have canceled the traditional screening at the time of use. The main application is more useful in many industries such as mining or building materials. Some industries such as metallurgical or building materials, chemicals, etc. are useful to use large crushers for work.

Rod Pin Pulverizer for Construction Rubbish is used to crush the item, then the crushing items and tailings will also be discharged in time. When the crusher discharges these crushing items, there will be dust phenomena. .

How do I solve if the dust is too big?

1. Install the dust collector: Generally, this dust collector can now be used with a crusher. It puts dust income trapping bag, dust is filtered by the dust box;

2, cloth bag dustproof: cloth bag is tightly pulled with machine, prevent leakage drain. Attention should be paid attention to parking, and the dust should be cleaned in time.
3, woodllar or pool dust removal: mainly using the ventilator to vacuum to the crushing, then vacuum, or vacuum through the pool.

The above three dust removal methods can achieve a good dust removal effect, and can solve the problem of excessive dust, which is generally installed before working to prevent excessive dust.

ALPA Soda Rod Pin Pulverizer for Construction Rubbish case Share: The company is a chemical enterprise, you need to make super-smashing of small soda, investigate a number of powder equipment companies, finally choose Our alpa rod pin pulverizer for construction Rubbish.
Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: D97: 20UM

Production capacity: 10-220kg

Rod pin Pulverizer for Construction Rubbish is a crusher, any mechanical equipment Before use, there must be a certain precaution to check the precautions for operation, which will minimize the damage rate, then what is the precaution before using a jet ball mill? Here are some introductions.
1. Check the fastening before useWhether the part is tightened, whether the spindle direction is correct, so as not to damage the machine.
2, the pulverizer should be lubricated in accordance with the requirements so that the machine is operating normally.

3, the material cannot be mixed before the grinding machine is added to avoid damaging the pulverizer.

4, the pulverizer does not have foreign matter or debris.If it should be handled in time to avoid damage to the tool.
5. When using the crusher, if there is abnormality, it should be handled immediately to avoid a large loss.
6. If damage should be replaced immediately, certain components should be checked regularly.

If there is related requirements, please call us!