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Pin Pulverizer of Fish Bone

2021-12-09 10:39:43

PIN PULVERIZER OF FISH BONE As the name refers to a mechanical equipment used in the production area, which is mostly used in pulverizing particles, fast pulverity, good accuracy.

Superfine powder preparation Physics And chemistry two methods, the former can also be divided into two kinds of dry and wet methods, dry ultra-fine pulverized equipment including ball mill, vibrating mill, airflow pulverizer, etc. Substance, etc.
No matter what method adopted, the following conditions must be met:

1). The particle size of the product is fine, distributed narrow, can meet the actual requirements of production or research;

2). Product purity is high, free of impurities, no pollution, no damage to the environment;

3). High production automation, low energy consumption, simple process, continuous, safe and reliable.

ALPA Gypsum PIN Pulverizer Of Fish Bone case Share: The company is a more well-known non-metallic mine company in South Africa, the company's main product is the ultra-metallic mine such as square solution and gypsum. Ultra-fine powder, the company learned our equipment through our website, read our case, and finally choose to buy our company's PIN Pulverizer of Fish Bone as its gypsum ultrafine powder production line.

Technical parameters:

Finished granularity: D97: 5UM
Production capacity: 140kg

After long-term use, it is necessary to clean the air pulverizer. After cleaning the pulverizer, all machines must be removed. Detaching skill is also very good. When cleaning, the power supply can be turned off, and the remaining dust can be removed directly with a brush. We must remember to clean it layer by layer. When the displacement is removed, four screws on the base can be removed, and then remove the hopper. When the screen is removed, the airflow pulverizer door can be opened directly and the screen can be removed at the end. After the mobile gear is removed, the fastening nut is released first, and then the live teeth are separated from the spindle. Then move the mobile gear and put it safely. Remove the fixed gear, remove the screw and remove the fixed gear. Be careful when disassembling the gas flow crusher. Do not cause any damage to the components of the machine itself.

ALPA technology developed crushing equipment has been applied in many actual engineering cases, providing basic information for objective understanding of jet grading technology.