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Turbo Mill Machine for ParaceTamol

2021-12-10 11:27:28

Modern production not only pursues production and finished product quality, but also develops toward environmental protection. Especially in the comminution industry, the overall development trend of Turbo Mill Machine for ParaceTamol technology in my country is the stable development of the Turco Mill Machine for ParaceTamol technology, strong control, high quality, etc.

Turbo Mill Machine for ParaceTamol:

Using the high pressure airflow with the animal, it is shredded, ensuring the purity of the material, facing the high hardness of higher materials, can use high hardness ceramic corundum as a crushing The cavity, greatly reducing the wear of the material on the pulverizer to ensure that the purity of the material is low temperature and low temperature, and the inert gas can be pulverized, such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, is suitable for high activity, flammable and explosive non-metallic mine powder.

High capacity, fast efficiency; compared with other ultra-fine pulverizations of the same capacity, the characteristics of Turbo Mill Machine for ParaceTamol, continuously pulverized, and continuously collecting the characteristics of its pulverization. With the mode of automation control, the advanced level is much higher than other devices.

The structure is simple, the disassembly and cleaning is convenient, there is no need to lubricate oil, etc.

The product is fine, the particle size distribution is uniform, because the grading effect of Turbo Mill Machine for ParaceTamol comes with the ultra-fine powder fineness and distribution, and then cooperate with Turbo Mill Machine for Paracetamol Use more to make the product particle size and distribution far better than the processing of other equipment.

ALPA Quartz powder Turbo Mill Machine for ParaceTamol case Sharing:

The main products of a silicon micron powder include molten stone sand, molten silicon fine powder, soft composite silicon fine powder, high purity ultrafine silicon Micro powder, activated silicon fine powder, crystalline silicon fine powder, spherical silicon fine powder and other specifications.
Main uses: Photovoltaic solar industry and electronic package materials, high temperature refractory materials, aerospace materials, quartz glass tubes, quartz ceramic rolls, and coated copper industries.
Case parameters:
Product particle size: Remove 20UM with fine powder
hour production: sorting efficiency 60-90%

When you purchase Turbo Mill Machine for ParaceTamol, you need high crushing Rate and no loss. However, before purchasing, it is necessary to fully understand the internal structure of the ultrafine pulverizer and the advantages and disadvantages in the production application. After sufficient understanding, we canWith better choice and application, today, let us understand the disc air pulverizer:

1. Low powder temperature: no cooling system during continuous operation, the resulting powder temperature is never less than 50 degrees

2. It can be applied to any fiber, high toughness, high hardness or a certain moisture content; for pollen or other spore plants, the material destroying the cell wall can break through 95%;

3It can be pulverized by adding water, alcohol or other liquid, or protective crushing by introducing gas;

After understanding the characteristics of the ultrafine pulverizer, when you purchase later, morePay attention to it, then you will choose your satisfactory ultrafine pulverizer.

If you have the situation about other crushers, you want to know, welcome to consult!