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Ring Roller Pulverizer of Cassava STARCH

2021-12-10 11:27:36

With the development of the times, the progress of society, the development of the market is elegant, and more and more manufacturing have to accelerate innovation, some transformations, some continue to improve the technical level of the product, to adapt to the development of the market, Meet the customer's picky requirements. In the case of changing market, there is only constant innovation, continuously improve your technical level, and constantly improve your own products, you can make Ring Roller Pulverizer of Cassava Starch industry has a broader development space.

Ring Roller Pulverizer of Cassava STARCH is different from other crushers, which is made by collision between particles, airflow impact, shear, impact, friction and shear of material under high-speed airflow Crushing pulverizer. It has the following main features:

1. The grinding temperature is low, which can be pulverized, and low melting materials. According to the high-speed jet, the Tomson effect, when the gas is thermally expanded, the gas will cool itself, thus canceling the heat generated by collision and friction.
2, the production cycle is short, and the abundance rate is high. Due to high speed collisions and closed crushing, the probability of collision between materials is large, and dust is not leaked.
3, a product having high purity (less pollution), uniform particle size distribution (D95 cumulative frequency) can be obtained.
4. Some materials that require wet pulverization can also be pulverized by airflow pulverization to achieve uniform and small powder.
5, a variety of joint operations can be implemented while drying can be achieved. It can be seen that the research hotspot of the air pulverizer is very highlighted, and it plays a pivotal role in the pulverization process of the pharmaceutical industry.
ALPA Aluminate Ring Roller Pulverizer of Cassava Starch case Sharing: The company discovered that domestic ultrafine pulverization equipment has been flattened in foreign countries. And the price is more advantageous than foreign similar import companies. Finally, our Ring Roller Pulverizer of Cassava STARCH was purchased as a production equipment.
Technical parameters:
finished particle size: D97: 20μm
Production capacity: 100kg

When you buy Ring Roller Pulverizer of Cassava STARCH, you need high pulveration rate and no loss . However, before purchasing, it is necessary to fully understand the internal structure of the ultrafine pulverizer and the advantages and disadvantages in the production application. After fully understanding, we can better choose and apply. Today, let us learn about the disc air crusher:

1. Low powder temperatureDegree: There is no cooling system during continuous operation, the resulting powder temperature is not less than 50 degrees;

2. It can be applied to any fiber, high toughness, high hardness or a certain moisture content; for pollen or otherSpore plants, the material destroying the cell wall can break through 95%;

3. Can be pulverized by adding water, alcohol or other liquid, or protective pulverization by introducing gas;

After understanding the characteristics of the ultrafine pulverizer, you should pay more attention to it when you buy it later, and then you will choose your satisfactory ultrafine pulverizer.

To learn more about Ring Roller Pulverizer of Cassava Starch, please pay attention to the Shan dong alPA website. The company is in the development and production of crusher and other products, quality, and is very trustworthy..