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Pin Mill Machine for Organic Anhydride

2021-12-13 09:10:20

In many crushing methods, Pin Mill Machine for Organic AnhyDride has become one of the most mainstream pulverization techniques with a small particle size, narrow particle size distribution, high purity, high particulate activity, and good dispersibility. Especially suitable for crushing drugs such as contaminated materials.

Pin Mill Machine for Organic Anhydride is affected by many industries, but it also has some shortcomings.

During the purchase period, the manufacturing cost of the Pin Mill Machine for Organic Anhydride is high, the energy consumption is high; the product particle size is difficult to achieve submicron grade, and the output is greatly reduced during 10 μm or less, processing costs Dramatic increase.

But the application of Pin Mill Machine for Organic Anhydride is really very extensive:

1, non-metallic mine

Typical materials are: hard kaolin, talc, Graphite, square algorite, gypsum, diatomaceous earth, silicahydrate, heavy crystal stone, leaf wax, aluminum hydroxide, etc., ultrafine pulverized, cerium oxide, cerium oxide, etc.
2, thermal materials

Typical materials include lactose, wax, resin, fat, bone powder, plants, etc .;

3, hyperparation processing of Chinese herbal medicine and raw materials [123
Typical materials include pollen, hawthorn, mushrooms, pearl powder, stomach medicine, Nimoda, antibiotics, Ganoderma lucidum, five times, He Shouwu, wearing heart, mint, houttuynia, fern root, puerargen, slate blue root, etc.

ALPA Raw Powder Pin Mill Machine for Organic Anhydride Case Sharing:
A mechanical equipment company, company mainly produces pharmaceutical equipment and powder automation equipment, and agent the United States and Germany Imported related equipment, the company has the advantages of technology and the team's cohesiveness has achieved rapid development and broke the monopoly of foreign equipment in the industry.

Case parameters:

Product particle size: D90: 2-80UM
Hour Yield: 50-80kg

In order to have a further understanding of Pin Mill Machine for Organic Anhydride, the following is simple analysis Crusher common problems and how to solve these problems.
1, ask: How to choose equipment in the face of materials that need to be smashed?

A: (1) Moh's hardnessLevel 3. The mechanical grinding machine and hierarchical impact mill can meet the crushing requirements, saving a certain cost. (2) High hardness, high purity material is higher than 3.5 hardness. (3) If it is a metal powder, you can atomize the grading and cannot be broken.

2, ask: The custom pulverizer can be used in different materials. What is the difference between them?

A: (1) After the food and drug is crushing, it is necessary to meet the level of food safety, the best choice for stainless steel materials, because the mirror is polished inside and outside, does not produce iron pollution. (2) Broken material is easy to worn, and the purity is required to be high after crushing, and the stainless steel is optimal. (3) If the crushing requirements are not high, cost savings, the air pulverizer of carbon steel material can be used.
3, ask: When using a gas flow crusher, the fineness of the finished product does not reach the standard, how to adjust the classification wheel is not used?
A: (1) If the new custom pulverizer does not meet the requirements of the granularity, the device can be incorrect.
Therefore, in order to avoid such errors, it is best to perform material crushing and grading experiments before purchase, and carefully check whether the experimental results are satisfactory.

Shan dong alpa is a scientific and technological private enterprise producing various airflow pulverations, airflow mill, medical and air flow crushers, disc air thrower, and users who need to purchase such products. Contact us.