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Pin Pulverizer of Silicon Carbon Anode

2021-12-14 08:58:01

In many crushing methods, PIN Pulverizer of Silicon Carbon Anode has become one of the most mainstream pulverization techniques with a small particle size, narrow particle size distribution, high purity, high particulate activity, and good dispersibility. Especially suitable for crushing drugs such as contaminated materials.

PIN Pulverizer of Silicon Carbon Anode is a commonly used airflow pulverization method, also known as fluid energy mill for micronization of solid materials. In many cases, the micronization process is generally considered to be a black box that produces fine powder and crude particles.

ALPA calcium carbonate uses PIN Pulverizer of Silicon Carbon Anode case Sharing: This customer is a stone powder company, mainly engaged in production and processing of calcium carbonate powder, magnesium oxide and other products, the company needs to ultraf fine powder of calcium carbonate Classify the product of the required granular segment to classify. After the experiment, as well as the production requirements, our AlPA's host can reach the company's needs, and finally purchased a plurality of graded units of our company.

Welcomes the major calcium carbonate flour manufacturers with powder grading to factory to visit and incurred.

In the production process, we should pay attention to maintenance and maintenance of PIN Pulverizer of Silicon Carbon ANODE.

1. In the production process, the bearing temperature should be checked regularly. When the temperature rises above 50 degrees Celsius, the machine should be stopped to find the cause and troubleshoot.
2, when the new machine is running, the transmission belt is easily elongated. Pay attention to adjust the appropriate tightness of the belt to ensure the life of the belt.
3, which should be regularly inspected, replace it in time, ensuring production quality and production.
4, the wear of the blade and lining should be checked regularly. If the productivity is lowered after the wear, the grain size is thicker and the wear is immediately replaced.
5, the host and the hierarchical flow bearing use grease lubrication.

6, the replacement period of the bearing is 2000 hours, the amount of the grease is 1/2 or 3/4 of the bearing cavity space. (Lower test) The temperature of the bearing will be too high.
7, the spiral feeder changes the fat period of 4,000 hours, plus ordinary calcium based grease.
8, in the output shaft E, i.e., pulley E, avoid heavy hush, damage to the part.
9. It is strictly forbidden to turn the handle of the handwheel in the stop.
10, the lubricating oil used by the governor adopts N32 alkaline high-zinc high anti-milling oil, and the reducer uses 401 universal lubricants, which cannot be used by other machines.replace.
11. After 3000 hours, the new oil should be replaced, and then used after 500 hours of oil for the second change, then use it after 1000 hours.
The Shan Dong Alpa is a scientific and private enterprise producing various airflow pulverities, integrating development, manufacturing, and application.The main product model has airflow pulverizer, airflow mill, pharmaceutical gas flow pulverizer, disc air pulverizer, eddy current pulverizer.