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Pin Pulverizer for Corundum

2021-12-16 14:24:20

Environmentally friendly PIN Pulverizer for Corundum has gradually become the market leading to mechanical equipment, and the modern new mechanical equipment in the mechanical processing and manufacturing industry in the stage has gradually replaced the traditional rough mechanical processing. It became a new leading leading to the implementation of technological innovation upgrades at this stage.

PIN Pulverizer for Corundum is a high-speed airflow to form a high-speed airflow using multiple relative-arranged nozzles to achieve ultrafine pulverization. The crushed material enters the pulverizing chamber with the rising air flow, since the pulverized rotor is high-speed rotation, the particles are subjected to the centrifugal force generated by the pulverized rotor, and the center of heart is generated by the viscous action of the gas flow. When the centrifugal force of the particles is greater than the heart force, that is, the pulverized particle size The coarse particles return to the pulverizing chamber to continue the impact, fine particles flow into the cyclone separator, collectors, and the gas is discharged from the air.

Low temperature without media, ensuring high purity and physical properties of the product. The equipment runs no dust pollution in a negative pressure state. The full use of jet flow can increase the pulverization efficiency of 30% compared to conventional gas flow grinding machines, and the precision is higher.

ALPA equipment is small, and the structure of the pulverizer can be highly machined so fine powder, avoiding the wear of the horizontal crusher pulverized part, and the equipment of the equipment is used under the same material. Multiplier. Small granularity is wide, and the product particle size can be arbitrarily adjusted within 1-74um.

AlPa Peel Peas PIN Pulverizer for Corundum Case Sharing: The company uses a food professional processing company in R \u0026 D, processing, and sales, and has discovered all the needs.

Technical parameters:
Production capacity: 2T +/- 10%

The operation process of PIN Pulverizer for Corundum is important, you need to pay attention to the following points:

1, respond All lines, electrical components, etc. of the pulverizer are checked, and whether it is possible to work. Whether the machine is grounded, so that the housing is powered by electric shock. Whether the machine spindle has a card death, if it should be handled in time. Whether the machine has an abnormal situation during operation, if there is a stop check.
2, check the blade, is tightened, whether the blade gap can reach the specified standard. Before using the pulverizer, check the working room is enough or slidable, if it should be removed in time.
3, after the offset is running, it can begin to start the feed. The pulverizer should stop the feed before stopping. Wait until the machine is completely discharged, it can be stopped.
4, the feedUniform, not excessive, so as not to increase the burden on the machine.The pulverizer cannot be cleaned, maintenance, etc. during operation.

As a three-year powder engineering equipment manufacturer, Shandong Alpa has more than 3,000 customers at home and abroad, and the rich research and development experience has always led to the front end of the industry, so before consulting, you need to provideCharacteristic information, printing and export granular parameters, production yield range, purity requirements, specific process requirements (anti-high temperature, explosion-proof, dust pollution, etc.), professional engineers provide corresponding fit equipment models or system solutions.Welcome to inquire.