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Vibration Pulverizer for Oxide

2021-12-16 14:25:24

Due to the wide application of Vibration Pulverizer for Oxide, the research and development of classifying machines at home and abroad attaches great importance. In the current market, there is a great development space.

The main advantage of Vibration Pulverizer for Oxide is to change the linear and surface impact grinding of traditional grinding machines into space 3D impact grinding, and make full use of high-speed airflow generated by jet in the material flow of the pulverization chamber. The pulverization region produces a gas-solid pulverization and grading circulating flow effect in a similar fluid state, and improving the efficiency and energy integrated utilization of impact crushing.
The high-speed airflow generated by the jet impact can be fully utilized to the material flow of the pulling chamber than the other conventional methods. The average energy consumption is reduced by 30% to 40%. Since the impact-crushing area and the gas-solid flow zone are placed in the intermediate space of the pulverized chamber, the impact corrosion of high-speed airflow driven materials is improving, and the jet impact grinding process is improved. The most severe wear problem greatly reduces the possibility of material pollution, using high purity nitrogen, argon and other protective gas as a working medium, prevent oxidation, low-loop operating gas consumption, low cost. During the fully closed-loop operation, no dust is flying, and there is no contamination of the environment, and it is unharitten about the human body.

ALPA Water Glucose Medium Vibration Pulverizer for Oxide Case Sharing: A starch sugar company requires a decentralized equipment for water glucose media, and inspects that many powder companies have not found. Suitable equipment. We have found appropriate equipment in our AlPA. Our Vibration Pulverizer for Oxide can disperse the water glucose medium.
Technical parameters:
Finished particle size: waterless glucose is greater than 18 mesh

Let me introduce the cleaning of the Vibration Pulverizer for oxide:

1, cleaning Other parts of the machine: Mainly use the outer screw to clean the grinding machine cover and components. These places can be brushed with a brush and brush with water or detergent when necessary.
2, cleaning the pulverizer.
The crusher cabin is the crushed box we said. The item is carried out in the crushing bin, so part of the cutting head is the cleaning point. Different jet mills have different functions. We must first understand this before you can get started quickly and use the airflow milling machine correctly.

Shan dong alpa is a scientific and technological private enterprise producing various airflow pulverations, airflow mill, medical and air flow crushers, disc air thrower, and users who need to purchase such products. Contact us.