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Rod Pin Pulverizer of Canceic Dyes

2021-12-22 10:04:45

Rod Pin Pulverizer of Canceic Dyes is a crushing device commonly used in industrial production. Due to its excellent performance, it is widely used in the crushing operations of various materials. Although the efficiency of this work is very prominent, we still have to look at the machine, just like a normal machine, check the machine, eliminate the machine failure, make the machine more efficient and safely.

ROD PIN PULVER OF CATIONIC DYES mainly after accelerating compressed air or inert gas, using high-speed elastic fluid (300 ~ 500m / s) or overheating steam (300 ~ 400 ° C) energy, Between the particles, between the gas and the particles, the particles and the wall and other components produce strong impact, shear, collision, friction, etc., at the same time, under the action of the airflow rotation, or with the classifier, Make the thick particles to achieve ultra-fine pulverization.

ROD PIN PULRIZER OF CATIONIC DYES is a common preparation method of pharmaceutical powder, which is suitable for antibiotics, enzymes, low melting points, and other thermal drug pulverization. With the continuous advancement of ultrafine pulverization technology, it will play an increasingly important role in the pharmaceutical industry.

ALPA composite, molten silicon micro powder ROD PIN PULVER OF Canceic Dyes case share:

A silicon micropowder is a manufacturer of silicon micropowder production, with strong technical strength, advanced testing Instrument, perfect pre-sales, sale and after-sales service, you can provide high-quality crystalline silicon powder, high-purely melted silicon powder, high white ultra-fine silicon micropowder, etc. The company is committed to providing advantageous solutions and services for other functional applications such as electronic materials, special ceramics.

The company continues to innovate around customers, and has always adhered to customer-centric, quickly responding to customer needs, and tailor-made quality products for customers, and continues to create long-lasting value for customers to achieve customers
case parameters:
Product Parts: D100: 15UM
Hour Yield: 300kg

How to maintain Super Rod Pin Pulverizer of Cationic Dyes, introduce the following points to everyone:

1, pulverizer run For about a week, it is necessary to stop, check whether filter dust removal is blocked, and clean the filter dusting film.

2, the bearing is marked, and the high temperature butter is added regularly, and the bearing is lubricated and maintained.
3, before the production, the air machine operation, check if there is any abnormal noise under the equipment, every two months, the stop inspection is loose.
4All discharged.

The above is the Rod Pin Pulverizer of Cationic Dyes, which is introduced. You can make a brief understanding, you need to purchase eddy current pulverizer, disk airflow pulverizer, user users, please contactWe