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Pin Mill Machine for Artificial Graphite

2021-12-23 10:07:20

PIN MILL MACHINE for Artificial Graphite can be said to be important in the current stage of industrial production, and AlPA has been committed to the development and application of equipment such as grading machines for many years. The classifier has gradually begun to develop in the direction of modernization, and we believe that we can provide a complete set of production planning programs in a large range.

Pin Mill Machine for Artificial Graphite's advantage, a small amount of wear-resistant components made of special hard wear raw materials, small volume, light weight, convenient replacement replacement. PIN MILL MACHINE for Artificial Graphite compressed air is dried, and the material is repeatedly collided with a multi-shaped high-pressure air flow intersection. The damaged material moves with the rising airflow to the cascading area under the exhaust. The low temperature failure is composed of silo, mechanical failure, air blower, cyclone, vibrating screen, liquid nitrogen tank, etc. After the damage material is cooled and embritful, it is easy to destroy at low temperatures, and the destruction effect is achieved by repeated impact, collision, shear, and conflict between materials and materials. PIN MILL MACHINE for Artificial Graphite has a high-speed blower of 20m / s, which affects other high-speed motion. Due to the large gas flow, the material impact strength is high, the grinding efficiency is high, the motion of the spray gun and the large axial movement of the cyclone data are minimized, and the impulse and metal wall wear are reduced. Since the air under the crushing chamber grinds the bottom of the conical bottom, the bottom portion enters the nozzle in the crushing chamber. The cone data can also be used for high-speed airflow nozzles, eliminating damage, blind spots, and data under spherical media and crushing rooms in time. The rolling of the cylindrical sphere, the irregular effects of the media, and the stratigraphic data, and the need for double-effect grinding, so that the grinding product is very thin and the particle size is uniform.

ALPA Quartz, Silicon Powder Pin Mill Machine for Artificial Graphite Case Sharing:

A new material company mainly engaged in new materials technology technology development, consulting services, silicon micron powder processing and quartz product sales. We have always provided customers with good products and technical support, improve after-sales service;
case parameters:
Product particle size: D99: 5.5UM D100: 10UM
Hour Yield: 200-700KG
[123 ] Pin Mill Machine for Artificial Graphite is a crusher, any mechanical equipment, has certain precautions before use, must check the precautions to operate, minimize the damage rate, then makeWhat is the precaution before using a jet ball mill?Here are some introductions.

1. Check whether the firmware is tight before use, whether the spindle direction is correct, so as not to damage the machine.

2, the pulverizer should be lubricated in accordance with the requirements so that the machine is operating normally.
3, the material cannot be mixed before the grinding machine is added to avoid damaging the pulverizer.
4, the pulverizer does not have foreign matter or debris.If it should be handled in time to avoid damage to the tool.
5. When using the crusher, if there is abnormality, it should be handled immediately to avoid a large loss.
6. If damage should be replaced immediately, certain components should be checked regularly.

Welcome everyone chooses Shan Dong Alpa, the company is committed to the products and services of Pin Mill Machine for Artificial Graphite, our company provides Pin Mill Machine for Artificial Graphite, which is low if you are interested in our products.,Feel free to contact us any time.