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Rotor Pulverizer for Corn Flour

2021-12-24 11:42:18

Rotor Pulverizer for Corn Flour Technology is one of the important basic technologies in the modern industry. In modern industries, it is required to have a small and uniform particle size and a higher purity, and ultrafine raw materials. Its nature changes, which makes ordinary materials have a broader application range,

The preparation of ultrafine powder has two methods of physical and chemical, and the former can be divided into two kinds of dry and wet method. Dry ultra-fine pulverization equipment includes a ball mill, a vibration mill, a gas generator, etc.
No matter what method adopted, the following conditions must be met:

1). The particle size of the product is fine, distributed narrow, can meet the actual requirements of production or research;

2). Product purity is high, free of impurities, no pollution, no damage to the environment;

3). High production automation, low energy consumption, simple process, continuous, safe and reliable.

AlPa Quartz, Silicon Powder Rotor Pulverizer for Corn Flour Case Sharing:

A new material company mainly engaged in new materials technology technology development, consulting services, silicon micron powder processing and quartz products Sales. We have always provided customers with good products and technical support, improve after-sales service;

case parameters:
Product particle size: D99: 5.5UM D100: 10UM
Hour Yield: 200-700KG
[123 ] Rotor Pulverizer for Corn Flour Causes and Solutions can be performed from the following aspects:
1, the hammer installation error in the maintenance assembly. When the hammer is turned off, in order to prevent the weight of the rotor from losing balance, all the hammers in the pulverizer must be turned out together, otherwise it will have a strong vibration in the operation.

2, the difference between the weight of the two sets of hammer exceeds 5 grams. The method of excluding is to adjust the weight of the hammer, so that the difference between the two sets of weight is less than 5 grams.

3, individual hammer card is too tight, there is no open in operation. After the stop, turn the observation with hand and find a way to turn the hammer flexible.
4, other parts of the rotor are unbalanced, and the adjustment balance needs to be carefully checked.
5, the spindle bending deformation. The solution is to school straight or replacement.
6, the bearing gap exceeds damage. It is generally used to solve the problem.
7. The bottom angle fixing nut is not fixed in a fixed or running. The solution is tightening.

The company produces a variety of Rotor Pulverizer for Corn FlourAnd air flow mills, complete testing methods and sample equipment and laboratory equipment, produced pulverizer widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, minerals, electronics, pesticides, ceramics and other industries.Welcome to contact us if you need to buy products.