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Rotor Mill Machine for Pharmaceutical Particles

2021-12-30 10:51:37

Since the 1980s, with the development of the national economy, more and more industrial materials needed for dry ultrafine grinding, Rotor mill machine for Pharmaceutical particles are ultra-fine grinding powder to achieve the most effective one of the devices. In my country, after 20 years of development, Rotor mill machine for Pharmaceutical particles industry has been widely used in pesticides, food, pharmaceuticals, fine chemicals, electronics and other battery materials.

What factors will affect the Rotor mill machine for performance parameters Pharmaceutical particles using it?

The following is a detailed description:

1 Control feed size

Most Rotor mill machine for Pharmaceutical particles have a particle size of the feed is a limit to the requirements. After entering the pulverization cavity, it can be sufficiently accelerated before collision and crushing with other particles. It is difficult to completely accelerate after large particles enter the pulverized cavity, which will allow them to stay in the machine too long, resulting in too high energy consumption. Therefore, in large-scale production of ultrafine powder, it is an effective way to pre-ground the raw material of the particle size is an effective pathway for energy saving.

2. Working medium

Currently, Rotor mill machine for Pharmaceutical particles main working medium is compressed air, superheated steam, inert gas. The choice of working fluid has a certain impact on crushing effects and economics. Superheated steam is superior to air in fluidity and critical flow rates to achieve higher flow rates and uniform flow fields. However, using superheated steam as a working fluid, it must be ensured that it is still in an overheating state before entering the product capture device, otherwise the material is condensed.
3. Feeding speed

Feeding speed is an important parameter reflecting gas flow grinding production capacity. During the pulverization process, the optimum ratio of the intake flow rate and the feed speed is the key to improving the crushing efficiency. In general, under certain intake flow conditions, the feed speed is proportional to the particle size of the product. However, the feeding speed is too fast, which will increase the particle density, mutual interference, disadvantage of the particles, and difficult to achieve the sufficient and effective collision between particles, affect the crushing effect; although the feed speed is too slow, the particles stay in the crush area The time can be extended, which will reduce the particle density, reduce the collision rate, resulting in a decrease in production capacity and an increase in unit production energy consumption.

4. size limit

Rotor millMachine for Pharmaceutical Particles In the pulverization process, as the material particle size is reduced, the crystallization and intensity of the material increases. After reaching a certain degree, the particle size of the material is no longer reduced or reduced, that is, the crushing limit of the material is reached. At this time, the material specific surface area increases, the surface activity of the particles, the particle agglomeration and grinding are in a dynamic equilibrium state, even if the grinding time is prolonged, it is difficult to further reduce the particle size of the material.

ALPA lysis Carbon Black Rotor Mill Machine for Pharmaceutical Particles Case Sharing: The company is a renewable energy application company in Inner Mongolia, when the company recovers the waste tire, it needs to be used Ultrafine pulverized equipment is ultrafielded with cleavage carbon black. After many incidents, our ALPA's Rotor Mill Machine for Pharmaceutical Particles was selected.

Technical parameters:

finished particle size: D90: 500 目
Production capacity: 2T

Do you know how to correctly use Rotor Mill Machine for Pharmaceutical Particles? I hope the content below can help you.

1. Preparation before the pulverizer is started to check whether the host, joint, pipeline, and the valve are normal and working properly.

2, open the pulverizer

(1) Open the compressor power supply, dustpress pressure valve and the main air valve, open the power switch of the pulverizer, turn on the power switch.

(2) From zero, gradually adjust to the specified speed.

(3) Open the fan, cyclone separator, dust removal and charger power, open the total power box, set the frequency of the inverter, and then start charging.
(4) The particle size of the finished product can be adjusted according to the frequency and bearing capacity of the grading wheel.
3, pulverizer shutdown sequence is: inverter - feeder - main valve compressor - Compressive plane impeller motor - cyclone material, dust removal switch - fan - General power supply air compressor.
4, eddy current pulverizer maintenance and maintenance

(1) Periodically lubricate the eddy current pulverizer, but the lubricating oil should not be too large to prevent too high of the bearing temperature.
(2) Check the wear of impeller, helical conveyors, and crushing nozzles.
(3) After pulverizing the material, the rubber powder should be removed to avoid clogging, thereby affecting the crushing effect.
(4) After the filter bag is filtered, it should be cleaned or replaced.
5, vortexFlow pulverizer precautions

(1) When the unloading equipment is run, the unloading port cannot be reached to avoid accidents.
(2) The rotational speed of the impeller should not exceed the specified requirements, otherwise the temperature is too high, the impeller and the electric chance are damaged.
(3) Regularly check the safety valve to ensure safety.
Welcome to Shan Dong Alpa, the company is committed to the products and services of Rotor Mill Machine for Pharmaceutical Particles, our company provides Rotor Mill Machine for Pharmaceutical Particles, which is low, if you are interested in our products,Feel free to contact us any time.