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Turbo Mill Machine for Resin Particles

2021-12-30 10:51:50

Modern production not only pursues production and finished product quality, but also develops toward environmental protection. Especially in the comminution industry, the overall development trend of Turbo Mill Machine for Resin Particles technology is a stable development of the Turbo Mill Machine for Resin Particles in my country.

Turbo Mill Machine for Resin Particles The principle of job is to use high-speed airflow to cause the particles of the material itself to collide, and the airflow has the shear effect of the material impact, the impact of materials and other components and shears. The material is caused to become more pulverized and the particle size distribution is narrower. Although in certain areas, Turbo Mill Machine For Resin Particles has an irreplaceable advantage, but it also has a shortcomings of a headache, which is relatively high. The principle has passed the precipitation of time and multiple applications, which is more mature, and has been widely used in mineral materials, chemical materials, pharmaceuticals and other industries.

Alpa Xiashi Turbo Mill Machine For Resin Particles Experiment: A mining company needs to be sorted by Xialuden powder. Through the experiment of our ALPA can do product particle size: D90: 16.8μm, Yield: 246kg / h 加 加 量
Welcome to the majority of major manufacturers with Xixia stone graded demand to the factory, and collective experiments.

Turbo Mill Machine for Resin Particles The reason and solutions can be carried out from the following aspects:
1, the hammer installation error in the maintenance assembly. When the hammer is turned off, in order to prevent the weight of the rotor from losing balance, all the hammers in the pulverizer must be turned out together, otherwise it will have a strong vibration in the operation.
2, the difference between the weight of the two sets of hammer exceeds 5 grams. The method of excluding is to adjust the weight of the hammer, so that the difference between the two sets of weight is less than 5 grams.
3, individual hammer card is too tight, there is no open in operation. After the stop, turn the observation with hand and find a way to turn the hammer flexible.
4, other parts of the rotor are unbalanced, and the adjustment balance needs to be carefully checked.
5, the spindle bending deformation. The solution is to school straight or replacement.
6, the bearing gap exceeds damage. It is generally used to solve the problem.
7. The bottom angle fixing nut is not fixed in a fixed or running. The solution is tightening.

Welcome everyone chooses our Shandong Alpa, the company specializes in the production and development and service of gas flow crusher products, the company provides customers with safe and reliableThe products and services of Turbo Mill Machine for Resin Particles have solved the worries of our customers.