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Hammer Mill Machine for Nylon

2021-12-15 10:55:52

In numerous pulverization mode, Hammer Mill Machine for Nylon has become one of the most mainstream pulverization techniques with a small particle size, a narrow particle size distribution, high purity, high particulate activity, and good dispersibility. In particular Applicable materials such as crushing drugs such as contaminated materials.

With the increasing social demand, Hammer Mill Machine for Nylon is facing huge challenges. Therefore, ALPA Technology Co., Ltd. persisted, continuously improved the ultrafine pulverization strength, particle size distribution, particle crystal form, etc. to achieve more production.
ALPA, strive to achieve low energy consumption, high yield, non-pollution in ultrafine pulverizer, to achieve good particle size, dispersion, unique and potential performance, improve powder crusher competitiveness, and realize the environment Protection and low power performance.

ALPA baked wheat Hammer Mill Machine for Nylon case sharing: This customer is a seasoning company, in its production process, it is necessary to use a device that can make ultrafine pulverized wheat after baking. Investigate a number of domestic enterprises in China, and finally chose our ALPA as a partner, purchased the Hammer Mill Machine for Nylon from us.

Technical parameters:
Finished particle size: D99.9: 180 mesh
Production capacity: 400kg

Hammer Mill Machine for Nylon's operational process is important, you need to pay attention to the following points:

1, check all the lines, electrical components, etc. of the pulverizer, whether it can work properly. Whether the machine is grounded, so that the housing is powered by electric shock. Whether the machine spindle has a card death, if it should be handled in time. Whether the machine has an abnormal situation during operation, if there is a stop check.
2, check the blade, is tightened, whether the blade gap can reach the specified standard. Before using the pulverizer, check the working room is enough or slidable, if it should be removed in time.
3, after the offset is running, it can begin to start the feed. The pulverizer should stop the feed before stopping. Wait until the machine is completely discharged, it can be stopped.
4, the feed should be uniform, not over, so as not to increase the burden on the machine. The pulverizer cannot be cleaned, maintenance, etc. during operation.

Shan Dong Alpa is a scientific and technological private enterprise that produces various airflow pulverations, airflow mill, medical and air flow crushers, disc air thrower, and needs to purchase such products. UserCan contact us.