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Rod Pin Pulverizer of Steel SLAQ

2021-12-22 10:05:13

Many friends who want to produce industrialized must be unfamiliar with Rod Pin Pulverizer of Steel Slaq. Rod Pin Pulverizer of Steel SLAQ has a very convenient, fast pulverity, and quality of crushing product. It is a very useful. Crush machine.

ROD PIN PULVERIZER OF Steel SLAQ work is also a factor affecting work efficiency. When the temperature of the working fluid is too high, the flow rate of the gas will increase. Take air as an example, the critical speed at room temperature is 320 m / sec, when the temperature rises to 480 ° C, the critical speed can be increased to 500 m / sec, that is, the kinetic energy increases by 150%. Therefore, increasing the temperature of the working fluid is conducive to improving pulverization. The pressure of the working fluid is the main parameters of the jet speed, but also the main parameters affecting the fineness of the break. Typically, the higher the pressure of the working fluid, the faster the speed, the greater the kinetic energy. When the titanium powder is pulverized by superheated steam, the vapor pressure is usually from 0.8 to 1.7 MPa, and generally pulverized calcined material is high, and the material after the pulverized surface is low.

ALPA Battery Rod Pin Pulverizer of Steel SLAQ Case Sharing:

A new material company is a new material high-tech enterprise specializing in the R \u0026 D, production and sales of lithium-ion battery positive material materials, including multiple Engineering Technology Research Center and other research and development platforms, have a variety of invention patents, primary products, three-yuan materials and lithium manganate, etc., and many customers at home and abroad maintain a good cooperative relationship. Form a complete industrial chain of a lithium ion battery positive material, providing customers with high quality products.

Operating ROD PIN PULVERIZER OF Steel SLAQ What should you pay attention to? Before running, the operator needs to confirm whether the feed tube inlet and exit of the raw material feed tube have foreign matter. Whether there is any raw material at the exit. If the foreign matter is found to handle a clean and then boot.

When the grading machine is operating normally, in order to maintain the stability of the grading, the pressure of the supply tube compressed gas is required to be monitored. Check if the dust collector pressure loss of the laboratory classifier is stable.
Decompose, cleaning, inspected, and maintaining the laboratory classifier must be disconnected to avoid danger.

ALPA powder is dedicated to the development, production and sales of ultrafine powder and grading equipment, support according to demand, the equipment model is complete, the quality is reliable, the efficiency is high, the low energy consumption, easy to operate, 24 Hours can consult!